Car Scene

We all have our dream car that one day we would like to own. Some of us already have our dream car, There can be no doubt that the human race has a love affair with the automobile. So what's your flavour? Electric? Or do you like the purr of a V8. Worried about fuel consumption? Maybe a Prius is more your style? Let's discuss it all here.
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#ElonMisk #Cybertruck #Tesla This is kind of funny. I feel a little bad for Elon. I'm sure he will take another look at it and improve the faults. But didn't they test it first!? lol, wow..

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We are about 10 years away from 50% of the cars on the road being #driverless. Change my mind..

We all have our dream car that one day we would like to own. Some of us already have our dream car, There can be no doubt that the human race has a love affair with the automobile. So what's your flavour? Electric? Or do you like the purr of a V8. Worried about fuel consumption? Maybe a Prius is more your style? Let's discuss it all here.