
A superhero in disguise. Swag is for boys, class is for men. Original and handsome. Bad boy. Good lips. Favorite pastime: Listening to lies when I know the truth.
self employed
Artwhore... 💪🏿💯
Success Precepts welcomes you to my channel... let consistency and creativity abide
I love art and Wildlife. I am a Videographer and content Creator, I specialize in making wedding films and documentaries, you'll love them. A lover of cryptocurrency, analysts and Forex trader, so I'll be talking about crypto also in my posts!
Engineer • Voluntaryist • Individualist SOMEONE WHO HAS MASTERED THE ART OF NEW BEGINNINGS. FREEDOM is not free, PRICE must be paid to both OBTAIN and SUSTAIN it. "Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric." --Thomas Showell #memes #Libertymemes #freedom #politics #TaxationIsTheft #2A "Taxation is theft, purely and simply even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State’s inhabitants, or subjects." -- Murray N. Rothbard If you feel generous: <ETH 0x7Aca27bB056d2b501EEfB5719b80c66deAdB7373> <BTC bc1q7nuztrm79dzw08l7yqlrx3xpzr6xdgv3fwvg9c>
Tech, Memes & crypto
(QuickFix_Service) I Love Technology , Art, History, Entertainment, Sport, Finance, Movies, Tech, Nature And Wildlife. #Gratitude and Contentment is my Methodology
Fashion is life
I'm an introvert who seeks knowledge from the dark sides
McLex Pro is a videographer and a content creator I love to make story out of what I see everyday
Nov 2021
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