Welcome to my mind and my introspective journey as I travel through life.
As a #motivation#author, I explore the emotional journey we take in life as we learn to understand the reasoning behind our emotional response to what life places on our path. These thirty-day #motivationalchallenges can be found in #TheEmberWithin series and on my website. I don't claim to be profound, but to share a moment to pause and reflect.
For more of my #writing, visit https://carincamen.com/
Techno Cypherpunk Christian! God/Jesus, Family, Health/Fitness, and Crypto are my priorities. #Bitcoin Follow me on Twitter for more crypto tweets: https://www.twitter.com/bpruitt0n1
When they try to delete you, you've discovered truths. But really I'm just relaying news and info out in the multi-verse weirdness of our world. Be in it to win it.