Edžus Draņķozols
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🇱🇻🐸ꑭ I'm a Latvian ultranationalist. Meme thief and fence. Member of the elite group of frogposters from Cozy Cafe and CEO of Bigot Meme Network. I take part in #MetalMonday and #GothThursday. Since 24.02.2022 I've begun to post on russo-ukrainian war. #russoukrainianwar You can also join one of my memberships or just throw some tokens my way. https://t.me/EdzhusFren https://gab.com/edzhus https://twitter.com/EdzhusFren/ https://vk.com/edzhus666 https://t.me/bigotmemenetwork https://guilded.gg/edzhus ''Sper sper Pērkoni deviņiem zibeņiem Sadedz baznīca ziliem uguņiem Nīksti dilsti sveša vara Krīti kā rudens lapa no zara.'' Skyforger - Čūsku sieviete pfp by @xpqy Winner of Cozy Croaker award(2025) at minds bootleg festival!
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🇱🇻🐸ꑭ I'm a Latvian ultranationalist. Meme thief and fence. Member of the elite group of frogposters from Cozy Cafe and CEO of Bigot Meme Network. I take part in #MetalMonday and #GothThursday. Since 24.02.2022 I've begun to post on russo-ukrainian war. #russoukrainianwar You can also join one of my memberships or just throw some tokens my way. https://t.me/EdzhusFren https://gab.com/edzhus https://twitter.com/EdzhusFren/ https://vk.com/edzhus666 https://t.me/bigotmemenetwork https://guilded.gg/edzhus ''Sper sper Pērkoni deviņiem zibeņiem Sadedz baznīca ziliem uguņiem Nīksti dilsti sveša vara Krīti kā rudens lapa no zara.'' Skyforger - Čūsku sieviete pfp by @xpqy Winner of Cozy Croaker award(2025) at minds bootleg festival!