
Welcome! The goal of my holistic pediatric practice, and of this page, is to inform and support parents to become more empowered as the primary health care providers for their children. Extending far beyond Western medicine's conventional treatments, holistic medicine and mindful parenting allow us to boost children's natural immunity, support their optimum health and wellness, safely heal any illnesses, and prevent disease-without dangerous side effects. Holistic medicine provides us with the tools to nurture the physical, emotional, social and spiritual health of your children. I intend to use this platform to address some of your concerns as parents, share information, important articles, scientific papers, and medical information that you might want to add to your knowledge base, often with my added comments and insight. I will also use this platform to inform you of important issues and current events that are happening in the world, and in your area. I would like this channel/page to represent my ultimate wish for truth, critical thinking, and healthy relationships to dominate our world 🌎 I look forward to raising our collective consciousness as the journey continues to unfold. Much love, Dr Larry ❤️
We are in a great time of change. We are in the process of ascension. It's time to see bigger than 3-D projects. Now is the time to align with your Inner Divine and get the cosmic perspective that will stand you in your stead...now and in the next now moment.
Supporter of Freedom. Freedom of voice, choice and everything in between.
Illuminating Humanity. Sharing Real content, wisdom, things metaphysical, and progressive ideas and solutions for a bright sustainable future for all life on Earth.
Founder, Science Defined. Husband. Father. Scientist. Jesus is Lord and Christ. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SUBSTACK: stillinthestorm.substack.com
Truth is my Religion. Knowledge is Power. UnMask the Bullshit. This world is a Big Hoax. Real Eyes Realize Real Lies. In a world full of Lies and Fake people only the Truth is censored. Covid Hoax is getting old. I'm patiently waiting for their next major Hoax.
Oct 2020
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