
Hello, I like to do art and stuff, also winner of the prestigious "Pen & Paper Pro Award" and "One Art Cookie Award" from the Bootleg Mindsfest :D . If you like what you see let me know, prints and commissions available! I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it. Get your own Booties Award: https://www.drawzooka.com/product-page/booties-award Displate: https://displate.com/drawzooka
I'm either at home in yoga pants or downtown in costume making people smile. Somehow this accomplishes my goals
Horror enthusiast and soon-to-be creator. I wish you all peace and happiness.
New here, I don´t know what I´m Doing lol
I like travel and natural
Ciao, I'm Elaine and welcome to @lacasadielaine.... my virtual home on Minds..... Decorated in a theme of 'eclectic-chic', you will find favorite images my camera lens has seen throughout the years, I hope you enjoy them too..... And, I LOVE to craft..........tra la tra la........so I'll be sharing the wreaths and items I design and decorate........... Expressions of my love of life are displayed here... As I dance through life, dance with me........... Ciao................. ( ❤️ ❤️ )
🇵🇱 NSFW person. Supposedly INFP-T, Home-grown explicit content creator, aspiring underground comic artist & bikini armor enthusiast. I can post SFW content some day, so please feel warned.
Arthadian Anthologies is a Creative Venture established to immerse YOU into a New Expanding Universe! Become Reborn through the #ReborninPowerRPG, the official #TabletopRPG of the #NewExpandingUniverse! www.ArthadianAnthologies.com Find all the links here: https://linktr.ee/msarthadian?utm_source=linktree_profile_share
pacstove.com Patio and camp stove multi-purpose. #Industrial-design #interrupt-sourcing method #camping #grilling #madeinusa Minds. Our place for macho mental stuff. Patriot signal boosting. Red pill relay station. *CROWD SOURCE* Help our metrics plz. Google doesn't like small biz or made in USA. It's simple. search pac grill , pac smoker, pacstove grill, pacstove barbeque, and find our website addy down the list. Help us t-bag the algo. Share this link around: www.pacstove.com etc. Thank you for your help. We give back through our Felon to Melon program. Commies and soy lefties are censored and perma banned here. Free speech is only for free people.
Feb 2021
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