I'm the founder of DRM Ireland. Anti Sinn Fein Anti EU. Anti Islam Anti Abortion. Anti Multiculturalism Anti SJW Anti Immigration. Pro European Nationalism. BREXIT MAGA KAG 2020
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The UK Independence Party, unlike any other political party, is dedicated to putting the 'Great' back in Britain. Welcome to South Norfolk UKIP. Visit us on our other media sites: https://www.facebook.com/UKIPSouthNorfolk Gab - https://gab.ai/UKIPSouthNorfolk Twitter - https://twitter.com/SonoUkip
The truth is that monsters are real, and ghosts are real, too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win.
Keep America Great
Freedom of Speech - Pro-Second Amendment - Center-right Conservative - Christian - Environmentalist - Nature & the Outdoors - Canadian who loves the USA Fact based reporting, curator of content and creator - Aggregating news and current affairs - Conservative but unbiased. Please subscribe, will subscribe back. Trying to grow @truthfact into a political presence and media curator on @minds and other platforms to speak to the ideologies entrenched in political parties and social constructs in an unbiased and fact-based way. "Watch 'ol Bandit Run." More detail to come - new to video and content creation, new to Minds - new to Bitcoin and crypto etc. Bear with me folks. News * Politics * Current Affairs * Our World & Environment * Photography * Videography * Technology * Music * Books * Abandoned & Urban Exploration
We are Antifa. We are lesion. Inspect us.
Amplfying the voice of a few.
Jun 2019
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