
Just a concerned citizen of the world. Ex Californian, now Texan....thinking maybe Uruguay after this place implodes...I dunno.
Avid music listener📼 | Cats & Dogs 🐈🐕 | flowers🌼 | rice field 🌾 | scenery 🌅 | nostalgia | Filipina 🇵🇭 “BE WHO YOU ARE & STAY AWESOME 😎” started: October 8, 2019
hello everyone, i am a vegan and i think it is my duty , i sympathy with animals and insects, because in this cruel world animals and insects are the most unfortunate ,helpless and undefendable creatures .they dont have any language ,they can not talk to defend themselves ,even some of them dont have any voice. animals and insects are the real ,forgotten and innocent martyrs ,that suffer so many pains ,for instance the pain to be killed .these martyrdoms take place everyday and no one even cares. but when someone loses his or her dear ones ,for example, his or her mother or father starts to cry and etc. this martyrdoms take place sometimes in name of just ,impeccable and merciful god ,which exists and does all the things whether we like it or not ,and sometimes for god s men or women ,for example prophets and etc ,in some religions , which is ridiculous. animals and insects are just like human beings ,they feel the pain ,they want to live, they want to be free and etc. eating meats ,eggs ,dairies ,honey ,animal products and etc and also using some animal product cause animal suffering or cause them to be killed .meat ,animal or insect products are too disgusting to eat, i mean their taste is disgusting and where and how they are come from ,and all of them,not only meat but also all animal or insect products like eggs , milk ,dairies ,honey and etc, are harmful for the health ,which is the god s punishment for human beings. you can not compare human beings with carnivore animals or insects, because human beings have wisdom and are aware and completely know what they are doing but a carnivore animal like lion or cat doesnt know exactly what they are doing ,for example when a lion kills a deer and eats it or a cat kills a bird and eats it actually doesnt know what they are doing. and not only when animals or insects prey ,kill and eat other animals or insects but also when they have sex ,become pregnant ,reproduce ,give birth to their infants ,breast feed their babies ,rear their childrens and etc. they dont have a clue of what they are doing but when human beings go through these stages they dont feel the same and feel different all through these stages that i mentioned ,they are completely aware of what they are doing. but in the other world i heard from god ,in my dreams although most of the time he annoys me and i am completely aware of it ,there is no preying animals or insects , killing animals or insects ,but there is horse riding forever ,which is again ridiculous .but i dont know where the animals or insects are in heaven or somewhere else, but i know they dont go to hell ,i think they are in heaven. but some human beings go to hell and they are in there for so long but finally hell will end and most of the human beings will go to heaven and will live there forever ,like other people but some of them will be destroyed ,i mean their souls will be destroyed and their souls and body will disappear and they no longer will exist but fortunately they will not suffer anymore. but heaven will never ends .
Democracy is not just the freedom to spread ideas, but to do so without your opponent knowing the plan. Without the fundamental right to privacy not just free ideas - then there is no possibility of democracy. The warrior is always trying to improve. ―Paulo Coelho Allowing for the book, after all, being a parody, something like 1984 could actually happen. This is the direction the world is going in at the present time. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the Party. But always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one: don’t let it happen. It depends on you. ―George Orwell "A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims, but accomplices." ―George Orwell “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” ― Sun Tzu
I Won't Be Silenced! #Veteran #MAGA #PROGUN #PROBACON #ProAmerica #IFBAP... If You're Easily Offended, Let Me Know So I Can Poke Fun At You! Visit My Store At https://the-ghost-18.creator-spring.com get something awesome for you and a friend! #ifbap #maga #ultramaga #usa #kag #fjb #lgb #lgbfjb #fjblgb Subscribe To My #YouTube Channel At: https://youtube.com/@tylercasper THE FOUR TRUTHS I KNOW! 1. THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS. 2. WIVES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T. 3. #FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. 4. THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECTS THE OTHERS AND WILL 🚫 NOT 🚫 BE INFRINGED. OH, And Biden (Brandon), Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and "Cameltoe" Kamala are the disease infecting America. And liberals are idiots. #secondAmendment #prolife #progun #freedomofspeach
This Channel Is A Fan Page Dedicated To My Favorite RTS Video Game Franchise, The Command & Conquer Series. Here We Focus Primarily On The C&C Game Command & Conquer Rivals.
Stand for the Flag kneel for the Cross Maranatha Jesus is the knocking at the Door Answer!
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Observer, Historian & Author. Preserving History, one post at a time. Disclaimer: Not for the psychologically impaired. Apologies, but I'm not the midwit whisperer. https://commoncitizen.substack.com/
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