
AKA Trouble Smith. Just a tad more to the right, what do you mean there isn't any more?
"In the name of our ancestors whose blood was spilled, death to those who would destroy our homes, rape our loved ones, and ruin our ancestral homelands, death to the shatterer of the tribe of Kaleva, death to the polluter of the Finnish people!" — Elias Simojoki I am a Finnish National Socialist, White Nationalist, Pagan (not Asatru), NS propagandist, translator, writer, researcher, artist, photographer, and pro-White activist. You can also find me on: https://gab.ai/w41n4m01n3n AND: https://www.stormfront.org
The existence of our people is not negotiable.
Here from Beyond to act as a Guardian to all Life.
"We must either become the greatest generation of european men to have ever lived, or become the last generation of european men to have ever lived" -idon'tknowwho
#Heathen. Anti-semite. Tribalist. Warrior-Explorer Caste. It's Volk or nothing! Co-owner and contributer to https://madotmedia.com find me on Gab at: https://gab.com/Grimvera
Help end White poverty in Appalachian Mtns & stop killings of White South African farmers
Father, Patriot, Asatruar.
Jun 2015
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