Dannylorred not Xavier

its fun to see humans ignore me just by looking at my Avatar name, but the truth is i want to avoid such narrow minded psychos. Baboons pick each others ticks to keep a good rapo with each other, while humans kiss each others asses, thats how we got over and over again and again same type of shit useless social network websites. Fighting with the evil of Minds.com is a futile waste of time.So i had moved on to Diaspora social, so "come find me when you wake up" ;-) But new features of Minds seem good so i am BACK. *---------*---------*-----------*--------* i dont gamble so i dont use the FUCKING TOKENS Here , so go ahead vote me down as you wish, Minds is a Gambling website so sooth yourself ; i am not a gambler, i am just a thinker with pure original thoughts.
Thoughts of an independent man who loves to express common sense opinions mixed with humor and goodhearted fun. * Gay yet a father of 4 sons * Freedom lover * American Patriot As the Declaration of Independence says - Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a penis. I love male beauty, classical music, politics, golf, arthouse films, hunting, fishing, shooting, and conservatism. A word on my lexicon - *Moronnial (millennial) * Fecesbook (facebook) * Demoscum Party (Democrats) * Muslime (Muslim) * Obarmarx (guess who?) * Filth (left wingers in general) Feel free to send me a message and I shall reply.
A channel for a wide range of things
I like nine small meals throughout the day
I grew up with a President named Ronald Reagan that Americans loved and the world feared… He made America Strong again, and that strength caused the Soviet Union to collapse. After decades of the cold war and proxy wars throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Central and South America, Russia is once again growing under the perceived weakness of the United States and the actual weakness of Europe. WE must always remain vigilant to threat posed to freedom by Communist States and their proxies. #USA #Reagan #Patriot #Veteran #NRA #Prepper #Survivalist #Tracker #Hunter #PrepperJack #military #2A #Merica
www.jaydafransen.online Faithful to God and Britannia ✝️🇬🇧 Purged from Twitter 18/12/2017 Declared a “Dangerous Individual” by Facebook 28/04/2019 ‘If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first’ John 15:18
Loadmaster - Winged Hussars Air Cav "'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have eroded." ~ FA Hayek III
Jun 2021
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