Politically retired, God minded. 🙏 Most censored Christian mother in America. Fake news target and stalking survivor. Christ loves you and so do I ❤️
"He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end. He never stops desiring what he already knows." –St. Gregory of Nissa
American of German heritage
American nationalist
Anti -feminist
Did someone you know complain that I blocked them for no reason? Do they post sexually explicit images? Yea, that’s why.
Christ follower, husband lover, full time child raiser of three sweet girls!
My bitchute and youtube are political and anti-feminist. My girls are my priorities but I do plan on posting more videos when I start getting sleep again! 😴
Blessed and highly favored. I'm a wifey, momma, Techie Virtual Specialist entre, herbalist who loves Yahweh and everyone no matter if their haters! Share the ❤. Save the 👶👶🍼!!