I'm old school, 100 % German by heritage, but my name was a gift. I'm spiritual with a firm belief in the Native Prophecy of the "Rainbow Warriors". I worked as a licensed massage & bodyworks therapist and have studied natural health for 20 yrs now. I am not a teacher but an awakener. I've walked a very different path and my opinions reflect that. I don't like republicans, democrats, nor most government agencies. I refuse to be silent at anything I find an injustice. My mission in life is to awaken and help others. And if I can make you pee a little, spit coffee thru your nose, or laugh, that's just a bonus...
I am an
My sculpture is partly influenced by
Assemblage, Deconstructivism, Cubism and Brutalist Architecture.
Picasso, Warhol, Rothko, Bacon, and Caravagio
I would not trust myself as an Artist
With my knowledge of Art
Being a third generation stone carver
and after years restoring centuries old marble structures
I finally found my voice to say
Despite fame fortune sanity or acceptance.
I am an enigma.
A contradiction in terms.
I am two extremes who've met in the middle, and split apart.
I am the calm before my storm.
I am my own best friend, and my own worst enemy.
I am my own healer, and also my own personal hell.
Only I can make me, or break me.
I am the wizened crone, in the mind of the maiden.
I am a brilliant star in a dark universe.
I am a comedian in a world that hates to laugh.
I am the caring nurse that forgets self care.
I am the prophet who sees the future in the past.
I am the voice of words already spoken.
I am the poet of things yet thought.
I smile through tears..
I cry with joy.
I fix all the others while falling apart.
I am everything no one else is, was, or ever will be.
Wore out and broken, but built better every day.
I am the student teacher..I am here to learn what I already know and teach what I'm learning.
I am an enigma.
But then, so are you.
Sorry, you won't find any Cats here!
US Army and US Navy Vet.
Currently a Medical Dosimetrist helping to cure cancer
Hobbies, Economics, politics, and Physics, Skydiving, driving fast.
I've lived on both sides of the tracks and am a proud progressive.
Poverty has been engineered into society and can be done away with the same way
#TheVenusProject, #TZM
PS: downvotes will be boosted!