
Give me some truth
ALL things crypto and virtual currency #altcoin #blockchain #encryption N.B. ALL commercial group content requires a single Token donation Group Admin @FacebookFluxx69 #FacebookFluxx69 Mod @TechnoMageB5 #TechnoMageB5
The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video talk podcast hosted by American comedian, actor, sports commentator, and television host Joe Rogan. #JRE #Rogan #Podcasts #Interviews #Archives #Comedy #Talk #Shows
ALL things #Science and #Technology #Discussion #Infosharing #Research #Investigation Group Rules: Members are free to share a maximum of 3 "Science and technology" related posts per day Spammers will be dealt with accordingly
PARALLEL STRUCTURE. New, Little Known and Alternative views on science, medicine, philosophy, health, economics, history, archeology, but not politics please. (this site was not intended to be a political sounding board but we have made concessions due to the blatant tyranny being imposed upon us at this time. Please understand that not all political posts will be approved)
Welcome to a group dedicated to sharing content that is essential to the Awakening, Inspiration and empowerment of a heavily sedated planet. A huge Thank-you to all members passive and active for your attention to the messages which you find here and for your contributions in helping this group to grow. This group is all about Awakening and Empowering the world in a Peaceful / Non-violent way and any posts which call for violence or the support of it (in any way) will be removed. Your host Brian @PhilosophicalAwakening The top contributors are: @JoWhy @MindCom @EricDubay @sharingnightmares @Truth101 @SuperFurryNova @Gediganspirit @Neil_R_Sperling @Emileah @CopperCladLad @Innerverse @Alpha_Furyan @NandoMando @JadeFarrington @PositiveSynergy @arPos @John_Does @ARTofDiNoandDART @AkaCosmin @ThoughtRevolution @AnaSophia @ChrisDoogood @Leskova55 @EricDubay
Jul 2019
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