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Promoting Original Content: Ten(ish) Amazing Novelists I've Discovered On Minds

ME2007VigilAug 22, 2018, 2:58:09 AM

In the era of Big-Tech internet censorship, Minds stands out as a major social media platform that respects freedom of speech. For those whose voices have been silenced on other platforms such as YouTube, Facebook or Twitter, Minds offers a safe haven where all ideas are free to compete in the marketplace.

Let us now offer potential new uses yet another reason to migrate over to Minds: Original Creative Content.

I want Minds to be the place to be if you're looking to discover cool new artists, musicians, film-makers, or authors. I envision Minds to be the cultural MECCA of the internet.

If you're on Minds, you're already riding the rising tide of an underground cultural movement that will soon sweep aside the stale and stagnating lamestream. It's a wide open field here where the players are relatively new so everyone has an equal chance to rise to the top. Plus, we've got Tokens, which we can earn for free that we can use to boost our art. What other platform offers this free of charge? Take advantage of this. Encourage others to join us. This is gonna be an awesome ride.

As an author, I follow many other authors here on Minds. I would like to take this opportunity to promote them. Please subscribe to their channels, check out their art, remind, comment, like and share.

@RhetoricalHypothetical AKA RhetHypo

RhetHypo is a talented sci-fi fantasy author. Here's the link to a listing of RhetHypo's short stories on Minds:


The series begins with average Joe at the office, but not all is as it seems as the protagonist plunges headfirst into a whole new and amazing world where he begins his adventure.

RhetHypo has a book published on Amazon which you can purchase here:


I have downloaded the book and I'll be reading it soon.

@BadassRho AKA WDLady

WDLady is an amazing novelist, screenwriter, and comic book author. Links to WDLady's works can be found here:


WDLady has a book available for sale on Amazon at this link:


I have the first novel, and I've written a review on GoodReads. I recommend you check it out!


Aragmar is a brilliant sci-fi and fantasy author. Here's a link to one of his short stories on Minds:


His first novel is available for sale on Amazon. It's got talking animals, like in Red Wall, and they've got spaceships! I intend to purchase and read it soon, so click this link to his Amazon page and check out his book, Sharshatter!


His second book is now available on Amazon. Please check it out! 



Butonfly is an excellent fantasy writer. I've read one of his stories, Squib. Excellent use of show vs tell. Here's a link to one of his short stories on Minds:



I'm sure you must have seen one of GarbageMan's short stories in the blog section at some point. That's how I discovered him. Here's a link to one of his signature Friday Fireplace Tales:


It's really good! (And I love the name and profile pic, by the way).


Netjr is another prolific author here on Minds. Please check out the first chapter of his novel:


It's a gripping tale about the immediate fallout following a nuclear war.


A recent discovery of mine, @RansomBackus has an impressive catalog of novels available for sale on Amazon. He's also a musician, clearly a man of many talents! Here's the link to his Minds channel: 


Here's a link to his Amazon author's page:


Please subscribe to his channel and check out his books!    

Finally, there's me! ME2007Vigil. AKA Michael E.Vigil. AKA Garrus Vakarian.

I'm a Turian. I used to work C-Sec before I joined Commander Shepard's team of badass galactic warriors. Now I spend my days writing novels. Here's a link to a list of my Minds-exclusive series, Saving Ever After and After Eden:


I also have a novel available for sale on Amazon or for FREE at the following links:



(Okay, there's only nine authors listed here. If there are any other Minds authors out there, please let me know and I'll update my list to include you. I'll reboost this post when the list grows to fifteen authors or so)


Michael E. Vigil 

Monkeys typing on typewriters... Eventually, at least one of us has to make it big! Good luck to all my fellow writers!