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Zherosha Chronicles: Tribal

NancieApr 29, 2018, 9:41:58 PM

Nahaeda carried Amnika across the city. It was a slow process. Nahaeda stopped to talk to every Natisien that walked by. Each had their own story.

One wanted to let their kids stay with relatives in the caves so that they won't forget their roots. They spoke of a balance between being a citizen and knowing they're Natisien.

Another Natisien was wearing traditional clothing. She explained that she was thinking of becoming a temporary citizen for a while. She enjoyed being with the Inersiens, and there was this one man interested her.

A few Natisiens spoke about how happy they were that Zeth was grooming for advisor while playfully grabbing Amnika's feet.

"Rodgistan was good," one of them stated. "Zeth knows Natisiens." He tapped his chest with his hand. Amnika noticed it. It was a sign that the Natisiens were intensely loyal to her father.

By the time they got to the side gate, it was close to the midday meal. Amnika's stomach growled.

"Hungry, now, little one?" Nahaeda laughed.

"Yes." Amnika put her hand on her stomach. "Very hungry."

"Well, you are in for a treat," Nahaeda said. "The food should be ready when we arrive."

The path was steep down into a valley before it would snake up to the caves. Rhada would circle behind Nahaeda and then get a running start before leaping into the air. He would land ahead of Nahaeda. Then he would do it again, much to Amnika's entertainment.

"Oh," Amnika said excitedly, "Put me down Nahaeda. I want to do that."

"Sorry, little one," Nahaeda said, "you won't have enough energy for later if I let you do that. Besides, what would you father think if you were injured."

Rhada looked up at Amnika and smiled. Then he launched off fallen tree high into the air. Then he landed into a somersault.

"But I wanted to try that." Amnika sighed and put her chin on Nahaeda's head.

Nahaeda laughed. "Good show, Rhada. If you perfect that move, you'll be able to leap great heights and not be injured."

Rhada ran to the side of his father and grabbed his hand. They reached the point where the path went up. It snaked back and forth alongside the mountain.

Amnika looked down from Nahaeda's shoulders to see the drop on one side and felt a little dizzy. She tightened her grip on Nahaeda's hair and hid her face.

"Don't worry, little one," Nahaeda chuckled, "I won't drop you."

"It still makes me dizzy," Amnika said. She was glad to ride on the shoulders of the old Natisien. She couldn't fathom walking so far up a steep path by herself.

Moments before they could see the community, she could smell roasted scant. Her stomach growled again.

"I'm not used to being this hungry," Amnika said.

"A growling stomach makes everything taste much better," Nahaeda quipped as they crested the top of the hill.

There was a significant cutout area where a few grass huts stood. It was where the Natisiens prepped food and made their clothes. Further down the platform, several large fires burned. There were two scants and three patri. Patri was another animal that the Natisiens hunted. Unlike scants, they were docile herbivores.

The Natisiens were busy at the huts, preparing food. When some saw Nahaeda, most dropped what they were doing and walked over to greet him.

He set Amnika down by Rhada. Rhada, remaining silent, took her by the hand and walked her over to a cliff. There she could see the City from a distance.

"You can see the whole city from here!" Amnika gasped.

She looked at Rhada who was smiling so broadly that Amnika could hardly see his eyes. He looked like any other Natisien child. Fine, red hair topped his pudgy face. His eyes were like slits above his cheeks.

She almost took a step forward to get a better look when Rhada stopped her.

"It crumbles after here. Don't get closer."

Amnika nodded and stopped.

While they were looking out at the city, Amnika felt something placed on her head. She carefully touched it. It was a crown of wildflowers. Amnika looked behind her to see the Natisien children surrounded her, giggling.

Rhada took her hand, again, and led her to the fires. The children surrounded them and pushed them towards seating rocks that reserved for Nahaeda and his family.

"If they sing, we don't sing with them. We only listen," Rhada said.

Amnika was a bit confused but nodded. She watched the children hold hands and circle her and Rhada.

Sure enough, they began to sing:

Rhada and Amnika sitting together

One is the protectorate of the other

Then comes another

Like Natisien but not Natisien

Like Inersien but not Inersien

The three will unite us together

Once separated, we will be one again

They repeated the song a few times before they broke away. One of the children placed a fresh leaf in front of Rhada and Amnika. Nahaeda and his wife put food on it.

Amnika was surprised. She never saw so much food at one time. She saw the two different types of meat. There were small round blackberries and the red tart ones. There were various leaves and seeds from the nearby wildflowers.

"Now we eat," Rhada said. He leaned over and grabbed one of the smaller leaves. He then topped it with patri meat and some seeds, rolled it up and handed it to Amnika. He then proceeded to do the same for himself. Amnika watched him take a bite, leaf and all. Amnika followed his example.

She never had patri before. It was a rare animal that Natisiens would hunt only for special occasions. The meat was very tender unlike scant, which had a tough, and rubbery texture. Amnika loved it.

Rhada noticed and left the patri for her.

Soon all the Natisiens were sitting around the fires, exchanging hunting stories. Amnika was able to sample everything before being too full. Inersiens didn't eat a lot unless they were expending energy. Natisiens, however, ate a lot to keep the thin layer of fat that keeps them warm on the cold nights.

Nahaeda eventually walked over to the two children. He picked both of them up, one in each arm, and sat down. Then placed them one on each knee. The Natisiens grew silent. Amnika knew what this meant, and she leaned back on him, anticipating a story.


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Zherosha Chronicles

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