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How-to launch your group & profile on Minds.com with #MindsGaming

MindsGaming Community Sep 16, 2018, 4:15:18 PM

              How launch your community,group,topic or channel with MindsGaming ....

Welcome to our little community here we are going to outline how to promote your group and channel with our community.


We give free promotion to active users in our community for groups and channels, you can easily promote your group in our Launching Area (LINK). Only group links are allowed in this area, we will remind your group link and promote it from our remind for 1,000 views for listing it in our launching area.

Add your group to our website:

We have a large list of hosted sites on our community website listed by topic, you can host your group according to its topic with us for X amount of tokens (Current Rates Here) here we will guide you through how.

Step 1:

Create a post with our Tag (@MindsGaming) inside our #MindsGaming Token Services area.  Include the topic area you would like to be placed.

Step 2:

Click the boost icon on your post at the bottom right corner, select channel, provide the current token charge to host your group on our website and send it to us!

Step 3:

We will list your group inside the topic you provided and launch your group inside our launching area for you with links to our web-page as well. (Please allow 1 week before filling a complaint in our token services area)

Read more about Minds and our community below :)

 How Minds is set-up

(You can skip this if you already understand the layout of Minds)

How Minds is set up @Minds is like having a personal website, you can have a personal page, use blogs, private chat, create groups or member areas, as well as a live feeds from all the users inside the network to know what real peoples interests are as well as booted posts (you will get the hang of that)

How to use the Minds network can be confusing to new users as searching is something that needs some tweaks. So before this is launched lets see how we can do things and set-up your account. Setup of your personal page is pretty standard, this is place to post things close to your heart (so anything you want) Now this is where users get confused... After you set up your page you see popular or booted posts by X user that has X likes, this post is most likely not part of a group, so you do some searching for thing that you like and you come up with some "lost" accounts. So that's its you post everything on your feed.

What a waste of all these amazing features that are becoming easier to use as well as a way to get future subscribers. My recommendation on how to use Minds to get more friends users and make this the site we all want are as follows.

Use groups from larger groups you can even segment into smaller groups and so on.

Upload to groups unless you only want your subscribers to see the post, then remind and boost post from groups to show on your personal feed! Make your group more popular by posting to larger groups like ours in the correct place.  Invite your current subcribers to the group.  Hashtags - Make hastags for your groups and areas and posts! (This will come...)  Most important thing on @Minds ? HAVE FUN!

The Launch Groups #MindsGaming ....

Create a new group idea we do not support direct duplicates (Groups with identical names)

When you have created your group with a bio, background and icon follow the following steps.

Step  1.) Go to the group feed, copy the url in the browser. 

Step 2.) Go to the Launching area for the community

Step 3.) Pate your copyed url into the group feed and hit space to show the group picture and bio, then post.

This is a 100% free listing for all members to use

Have more then one group? Create a list yourself and launch it in Minds Civilization.


Reminds & Community Site Listings

We always remind VIP launches as well as list them on our community website & get your exclusive content and owned group reminded to our channel (One group remind per member, no current limit to amount of group although this may change as we grow. 

Members not a part may see thier group on our community website if placed in the group at no cost, this is based on community interst in the group & personal relations with community rep or admins.


Members own their post from any group, remind your posts to claim it or just remind your favorites to your feed, reminds also brings more members to the group! (Off topic posts inside groups are removed, image & video uploads are owned by the up loader in albums)

Our community funds runs  of exclusive content subscriptions,monetized blogs, donations to our community via Minds, bitcoin, and our community token economics. #MindsGaming was grounded from the GamerClan community development model Thanks!

Support your community and click by unlocking exclusive content or check out our blogs! OR find services we can provided you with!



We support members who post & support our community inside or outside our groups, (#MindsGaming) Get your profile featured by sharing, every week we promote one member who shares with the community!

OR Sometimes we get really busy with a million thing on our plate, if your an active member inside our main community groups promote your Minds channel in our Community Resources group. 

More Info: #MindsGaming is a co-operative gaming community run by users on Minds, we create, build and maintain groups and a community, any member of our community can become an officail member of our team. #MindsGaming

Need help? http://mindsonline.club/

Last Updated 9/16/2018