
I'm not really Basil Hallward, he's a character in the Oscar Wilde story "A Picture Of Dorian Grey." The reason for doing the name change and using a very old picture is a private joke. My name is Ian Thorpe, Ian R Thorpe to distinguish me from the Australian swimmer, I retired from a career in Information Technology a few years ago and now spend my time writing and creating internet content. And the picture, from 1983? In the story, the eponymous Dorian Gray never looks any older, while the picture of him painted by Basil Hallward ages. And in the online world I never get any older so it's oappropriate that my avatar shows the person I feel I still am. Age, when all's said and done, is a state of mind. .
Coming Soon, from excitement.. :o I shall be coming out of ones shell in due course. The none politically correct, outspoken, sarcastic Bitchy Brit,
Nothing. There is nothing. AI Puppet Master.
#Christian, #Philosophy, #Economics, #Technology, #Theology, #Mathematics, #Kiwi, #Ancap The group below is for my personal musings and information about my other groups. ╔══∯═════════════∯══╗ Musings ╚════════════════════╝ Reminders/Supporters of My Work: ╔══════════════════╗ @Odipides @Luculent @Ottman @RealMindsChan @JustAnotherVoluntaryist ╚════════════════════╝
I posts Blogs & Photos of all subjects here on MINDS. About me: Married; Father (of 3 children); Grandfather (of 3 boys); Retired (and enjoying retirement); Deplorable; Amateur Photographer (all posted photos are mine); and, ALL opinions are mine solely. "Truth is Hate to those who hate the truth." - (Unknown) Laugh, don't get mad. Make fun of the left and make them mad. Don't give a shit what the left calls you. Nothing makes them madder because it takes away one of their main weapons. Never ever apologize. Ignore the celebrities. They do and say crazy things just to attract attention. I'm not politically correct. In fact, I go out of my way to be politically incorrect. I'm here to encourage other deplorables and to cause snowflakes to meltdown. That's it.
Mum. Wife. Protestor. Libertarian. Freedom Fighter👊 Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but after whats unfolded this year i now identify as a fortune teller🧘‍♂️✨ Hubby @dannyvic ♡ SaveOurChildren ♡ WAKE UP UK 💫✨Spiritual--Belief✨💫 🤍Peace🖤 🧘‍♂️Meditation🧘‍♂️ ....... off Facebook cos keep getting banned..! started here 18/3/21.....lets make this the NEW Platform to SaveOurChildren & Humanity TOGETHER!! #saveourchildren #SRAsurvivors #ArrestPrinceAndrew #EndChildTrafficking #Freedom #NoNWO #thisisWW3 #FightForYourChildren
Jun 2015
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