Những lời hay ý đẹp về cuộc sống ý nghĩa mà ai cũng nên đọc mỗi ngày là những câu nói hay về cuộc sống giúp cho mỗi người chúng ta thay đổi thái độ, suy nghĩ để cuộc sống này tốt đẹp và có ý nghĩa hơn.
Good words about meaningful life that everyone should read every day are good sentences about life that help each of us change our attitude, thinking to make life better and more meaningful.
Relaxing in the middle of the sky
Autumn yellow leaves carpet greeting
Virgin white shirt oh escape
The long flap glides so elegantly
Floating and flamboyantly covering the young
Scattered to make rain water the soil
Small seeds spreading clouds suddenly cry
Sad for the universe and the moon and stars
Nature and photography lover . Please enjoy your stay. Have a good day.
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Poet (n): A marionette or a clown, punked again by some proclamations of love, better off and having never learned a thing.
Some Highlights:
Quietly, nimble and soft,
Sun bright and smiling,
You roll away the weight of man's damnation.
Poof, fluff.
You are the cloud and the sky.
An expanse among the smallness, and a beacon to my torn and tattered heart.
I am but a shard.
Welcome to @John_Does Truth-Servant
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“Ignorance is a Slave. Knowledge is Freedom. If we know the Truth, We shall find the Fruits of the Truth Within us. If we are Joined to it, it will bring our Fulfilment.”
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