The Blockchain Enthusiast
Love Tech that pays
An original Cr@žý Wəïrd
#Pantsula (Smart Rebels)
Life is full of Eish, so make Eish out of it
Christian ن✝️ • Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism 🗽 • Investing/Crypto/Gold 💹📈🪙 • Gym 🏋️♂️ • Bookworm 📚 • Blogging 👩💻 • Memes 😎 • Video Games 🖲️• Basketball 🏀 • Rugby 🏉 • Fútbol ⚽ • Tennis 🎾 • Boxing 🥊 • History 🧐
#SemperProLibertate#LibertyIsFreedom#Voluntaryism#AntiWar#ProLife#ProChoice#RonPaulrƎVO⅃ution #LibertyMemes#MemeWarVeteran#DogeArmy#ShibaInuArmy#DividendYieldHunter
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Christus surréxit! - Surréxit vere, allelúja! Khristós anésti! – Alethós anésti!
“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause for withdrawing from a friend.” ~Thomas Jefferson
"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." ~Aristotle
"In case of dissension, never dare to judge till you've heard the other side" ~Euripides
"Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong." ~Dr. Ron Paul
"There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it." ~Dr. Ron Paul
“You're not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it.” ~Malcolm X
“There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"We should always make a distinction that right and wrong is a very different standard than legal and illegal. The law is no substitute for morality, here or then." ~Edward Snowden
"It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great ideal. It is like a stone wasted on the field without becoming a part of any edifice." ~Dr. José P. Rizal
Observer, Historian & Author. Preserving History, one post at a time. Disclaimer: Not for the psychologically impaired. Apologies, but I'm not the midwit whisperer. https://commoncitizen.substack.com/
"Never approach a goat from the front,
a donkey from the rear and an idiot from any side" Ionian Islands proverb.
Expat living in Spain 🇪🇸. My world would have been much better if I could live in a country with 8% income tax, no social security, no state curriculum on education, culturally homogenous society with real motivation for voluntary philanthropy, gold standard, reliable banking system, safe neighborhoods, the majority of functionaries being replaced by a simple app, an army that could constantly train you in arms, tactics and how to be a man among men.
„Je mehr der Krieg wirklicher Krieg, je mehr er eine Erledigung der Feindschaft, des Hasses, ein gegenseitiges Überwältigen wird, um so mehr vereinigt sich alle Tätigkeit in blutigem Kampf, und um so stärker tritt auch die Hauptschlacht hervor. Überall, wo ein großer, positiver, also in das Interesse des Gegners tief eingreifender Zweck das Ziel ist, bietet sich die Hauptschlacht als das natürlichste Mittel dar; sie ist darum auch das beste, wie wir in der Folge noch näher zeigen werden, und es bestraft sich in der Regel, wenn sie aus Scheu vor der großen Entscheidung umgangen worden ist. Der positive Zweck gehört dem Angreifenden, und so ist die Hauptschlacht auch vorzugsweise sein Mittel. Aber ohne die Begriffe von Angriff und Verteidigung hier näher bestimmen zu können, müssen wir doch sagen, daß selbst der Verteidiger in den meisten Fällen nur dies eine wirksame Mittel hat, um früh oder spät damit den Bedürfnissen seiner Lage zu entsprechen, seine Aufgaben zu lösen. Die Hauptschlacht ist der blutigste Weg der Lösung; zwar ist sie kein bloßes gegenseitiges Morden und ihre Wirkung mehr ein Totschlagen des feindlichen Mutes als der feindlichen Krieger, wie wir das im nächsten Kapitel näher betrachten wollen, allein immer ist Blut ihr Preis und Hinschlachten ihr Charakter wie ihr Name; davor schaudert der Mensch im Feldherrn zurück.“
(Carl von Clausewitz, „Vom Kriege“)
I'm Dario. My special hobbies are make music, visit awesome place like mountain lakes and ride my MTB down the Ticino's valley. I adore cats and quiet places. Don't ask me to comment political speeches anymore: I'm tired to do that and want quiet and serenity if it's possilble. Cents, votes, reminds are welcome to reward my skill and job. Thanks in advance.
The Minds Underground is A Multi-Media Decentralized Open Source Group, of programmers, artist, musicians, shamans, visionaries, regular people, making shit happen. Just so we're clear people, we're HERE to play & make MAGIC happen. #MindsUndergroundhttps://anchor.fm/infiniteimaginarium