
I'm new to social media and a follower of Jesus. I was once an alcholic like my earthly father and his earthly father before him. (2 Kings 21:21-22) After my career was ruined and several relationships had been ruined I cried out to the Lord telling Him to take it all. Every aspect of my life, I turned over to Him. I'm a broadcaster by trade. Shortly after my salvation I asked the Lord how I could take my 15 years of broadcast experience and better serve Him. His answer came with a job offer to be the Program Manager for the Christian Broadcasting System. Two years later, He took that same request and lead me to the pulpit. (2 Timothy 4:2) I never understood much about the Bible, God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit, but once I surrendered to Him, it all started to click! I thank Him for these wonderful gifts and talents which He has given me and I will continue to use them to serve Him. I welcome all kinds of discussion and questions from all believers and non-believers.
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