
Entrepreneur and Tokyo(the dog) caretaker.
I'm here so people can hear my voice . I think this could be great with all minds working in the same order, we only use 10% of the human mind well who knows what a lot of good brains can do. We are all human and we are all amazing !!!!
The world is at war but yet no one notices. The masses have been desensitised to the violence that plagues society, what the world needs is evolution not revolution
Film, beer, theatre, naps. That's me in a nutshell.
Spiritualist. I am a vagrant. I am a vagabond. I live light and logical. I'm 40 years old. I don't believe in privilege by natural selection. I don't believe in speculative judgement of the human soul. I'm gay 🌈but I don't make my whole life about which team I'm pitching for in the sack. It's just insignificant to my lessons. I'm sorry. Love is love. I love my haters so your free to join us! I do it myself. Fuck the system... I'm a homeless spiritualist. Been this way for 4 years. This will change. Time is a confusing illusion... The Great Awakening starts with you. The more you learn about #NaturalLaw you will notice things around you taking a different shape. My friend it is you that is changing. Take back your power. Subscribe today. Cashapp $OneGreatWork Twitter @TerryKendrix GoFundMe
Jun 2015
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