
💜 Beauty lies more within actions than appearance. The meaning of life is to find meaning in life. Soul and sapiosexual. I'm authentic, all natural, all real, no fake body parts, or multi-faced tendencies. I can't stand liars & false pretenses. I appreciate meaningful conversation, similar likes & appreciate being enlightened. I want to meet people worth knowing, creative minds, & create lasting bonds. Seeking all activists, shifters, movement, and awakened, especially ANONYMOUS. 💜 http://stop5gflorida.com/images/5GNew.mov https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsRTgRgmma/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dibrwedxihlz Main Pages: @transcendtowers - @stop5gflorida Associated Partners: @cris.myers @plantbasedconsultant @atomwarlok @realstevegrant @jharveywrc @bs4flgov @stop5ghawaii @stop_5g_germany @stop5gflorida @stop5gtexas @stop5g @stop5goregon @stop5gnow @stop5gpuertorico @stop5gpennsylvania @stop5gsaintlouis @stop5gwashington @stop5gchicago @stop5gnewmexico @stop5gmaryland @stop5ginlandempire @stop5g_ @stop_5g_now @vegantake0ver @foundconscious @the.cell.tower.project #5g #stop5g #anti5g #dangersof5g #warningsof5g #cancer #deathtowers #gwentowers #dew #harrp #directenergyweapon #directenergyweapons #alternativehealing 💜💜💜 Thank you to all helping to spread awareness of the dangers of 5G. 💜💜💜
Vancouver is a coastal seaport city in western Canada, located in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia. As the most populous city in the province, the 2016 census recorded 631,486 people in the city, up from 603,502 in 2011. #Vancouver #Canada #city #directory #NEWS #history #culture #network #discussion #travel #tourism @JohnnyCanuck https://www.lonelyplanet.com/canada/vancouver http://vancouver.craigslist.ca https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/464403921264189459
Got a story you think the world needs to know more about? Something the MSM has largely ignored? Politics, religion, pop culture, health, activism, lifestyle, the paranormal; pretty much ANYTHING goes 3 POST LIMIT PER DAY. SPAMMERS walk the plank (or WORSE) ALL Commercial items require 1 TOKEN Wire Donation https://teespring.com/stores/wprpn #PIRATE #RADIO #PODCASTS @PirateRadioNetwork #YOUTUBE #SKYPE #livestream https://www.facebook.com/pirateradiopodcasts1/
North America's largest sovereign region, #Canada's 10 #provinces and 3 #territories extend from the #Atlantic to the #Pacific and northward into the #Arctic #Ocean; making it the world's 2nd largest country by total area and 4th largest by land area Admin: @johnnycanuck https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/464780012000649230 https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/464403921264189459
Aug 2015
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