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Yayo Short 9: A Wet Ordeal

YayoOct 30, 2018, 8:56:30 PM

"What Island has a plug that sinks the entire thing when pulled?" screamed Yayo in disbelief as she was trying to keep herself above the water on a makeshift raft made out of a bunch of sticks and rope-like material. 

Just 60 meters away, one of the most advanced human civilization of its time was sinking into the ocean, like the Titanic. Just that it wasn't a ship, but an island; and there was no iceberg involved; it didn't break in two either and it also took longer to sink. But other than that, pretty much like the Titanic.

As one might guess from Yayos responsibility shifting outburst, her visit to the legendary island did not go as planned, which was unfortunate. 

Yayo really liked the Atlantian culture, their inventions, style of clothing and delicate choice of food. Although, she wasn't so sure of their intelligence any more, especially after Yayos fishing line got caught on the holy atlantian plug at the bottom of the island. Thinking it was an extraordinary huge fish, Yayo pulled with all her might until, with a loud cork out of the bottle sound, she gaffed a big duck-shaped plug. 

Surprised by the discovery that the old atlantians already had bathtub duckies Yayo was already calf deep in water.

Now struggling along the ocean near the former island, Yayo opened her magic trouser pocket, that she now suddenly had, and freed a boat engine from its dark confinement in Yayos pants. "I knew this would come in handy some day." Like Link she was holding the engine proud up into the air, a slight grin appearing on her face. 

With a loud splash Yayo threw the engine into the Ocean. What most people would take as an act of insanity, was precisely planned by Yayo. 

"Oh great Lord Moteng," Yayo started chanting," take this delicious piece of electrical equipment as a sacrifice and give me a hand here."

After 10 minutes the ocean started bubbling like boiling water and a giant fish-like creature surfaced. It was a giant carp.

"There you are Moteng." Yayo was happy to see her ancient friend and she waved to get his attention. The fish, stoic as a fish can be, starred at the small human creature on a raft not far away from him.  

"Blub." The Fish's intricate language is something Yayo wasn't too familiar with, but she guessed that the Blub must have meant to climb on. So she did, without protest from the giant McDonalds Burger ingredient.

"Blub?" Repeated the oversized ocean dweller. "To land, my slippery friend." answered Yayo, who pointed straight forward towards the horizon.

While Moteng slowly gained speed, the Island formerly known as Atlantis, was completely submerged under water. Only a couple of bubbles could be seen emerging and popping at the surface.

Yayo had already forgotten about her former vacation spot and was snoozing on the slick back of Moteng. Who is Moteng? Where did he come from? All these question will never be answered because Yayo is too lazy.

"What does that mean," Yayo was now suddenly wide awake and not too happy about me slandering her," I am not too lazy. I am just considerate."

"Considerate?" I, the narrator, asked the slightly aggravated Yayo

"Yes," she replied proudly," Considerate, because no one cares about the origin story of a fish. Besides, not everything needs an origin. It is all about the mystery. Mystery makes the whole character exciting. Its like what happened to Hand Lolo. Nobody wanted a back story movie about him, but we got it anyway; and nobody went to see it." 

I wanted to interrupt, but Yayo was currently in her flow, from which nothing was able to get her out of.

"Also," Yayo continued immodestly," You are the one responsible for telling the Story, and the only reason why you never make one of my adventures longer than two pages is, because YOU are lazy. I, for one, am an exciting and not lazy character." 

Yayo struck a triumphant pose.

Instead of engaging her again, I decided to be the defeated one for now and continued the story.

After 3 more hours of Yayo basking in the glowing light of her own ego and reciting Shakespeares MacBeth out of boredom, the Fish arrived at some shore.

"Thanks Moteng, I'll get off here." Happily, Yayo slid down the fish's back on to the first piece of land she has seen for hours.

It seemed to be a green rocky island. "Look, it is Ireland!" Yayo blurted out with no evidence to back it up. Yayo picked up her stuff and started venturing through the rocky coastline of Might-be-Ireland.

Moteng, in the meantime, had disappeared back under sea, going the way he came; without a back story.

Yayo ignored my linguistic stab and instead increased her walking speed.

"I can't wait to taste Irelands famous cabbage." Yayos eyes were burning with enthusiasm. Not even an old man with a metal hand could stop her now.    

Yayo Short: Archive