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Graphic artist passionate about fractal and 3d, UNIX / Linux systems architect and Open Source advocate for enterprises. Making a living online to live in a lost countryside of south asia with my family and our 6 dogs :) * * * Wall Of Fame (thank you all) @chesschats @JamesN @Kampagne @WELLZ @HanKha @AnonFPV @RedDragonLS * * * - = Benefactors = - (thank you for your outstanding support) Subscribe @JamesN for more amazing Gifs and art work“ - = * = -
Crypto Enthusiast Self-Governed Investor Floridian Entrepreneur ~Joined Minds: 4-28-18~ BITCOIN: 38qta693ZrVereW9AZjd9Ker4PdQBbevwV ETHEREUM: 0x08bef767709Aa5fcdaf001d0e4F3c10686B738A9 LITECOIN: MKAzEJDhfAuQzkQpvkmHEzLoPwY7TT5HRU Support: @Randomosity @LovelyLands
Hi, My names Nas and I'm a Metrologist specialising in measurement uncertainties in the field of ultrasonic and sensor technology. I have a passion for #Photography with a keen interest in Cars, Nature and Wildlife. I only remind content that is helpful or leaves me in awe other than that everything I upload is #Myphoto Feel free to use as you like but in return I would ask you not to edit and respect my work. Thank you. ********************************** WALL OF APPRECIATORS ********************************** @Ferrarinator ********************************** FAVOURITES CHANNELS ********************************** @Rushofwaves @RoxieD @Subrata7134 @NHWoodsider @FlipSideImageWorks @MindsGaming @ChrissysWorld @Lopi @kellytatephotography ------------------------------------------------- A few tags that help me find stuff: ------------------------------------------------- This one is definitely hit and miss #minds The Bullshit of life #news #Reality Passionate about: #art #music #Nature #Wildlife Favourite Tags: #photography #myphoto #Hushography My Group #ModifiedCarClub https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/885852374428184576 Over time I will be amending these tags. My favourite quote is: #Justgowiththeflow Some of my favourite quotes are: ------------------------------------------------- "I'm certain, we live in a world of uncertainty" - Nasir H. Metrologist ------------------------------------------------- “Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating.” - Carl von Clausewitz, Military Theorist ------------------------------------------------- “When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarely, in your thoughts advanced to the stage of science.” - Lord Kelvin, British Scientist ------------------------------------------------- “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” - Max Ehrmann, American Writer & Poet -------------------------------------------------
Aug 2018
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