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its fun to see humans ignore me just by looking at my Avatar name, but the truth is i want to avoid such narrow minded psychos. Baboons pick each others ticks to keep a good rapo with each other, while humans kiss each others asses, thats how we got over and over again and again same type of shit useless social network websites. Fighting with the evil of Minds.com is a futile waste of time.So i had moved on to Diaspora social, so "come find me when you wake up" ;-) But new features of Minds seem good so i am BACK. *---------*---------*-----------*--------* i dont gamble so i dont use the FUCKING TOKENS Here , so go ahead vote me down as you wish, Minds is a Gambling website so sooth yourself ; i am not a gambler, i am just a thinker with pure original thoughts.
Welcome! In short, I'm into to exposing the real powerbrokers, their lies and propaganda. My mediachannels .. https://www.bitchute.com/5iF3R https://www.youtube.com/5iF3R "We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence β€” on INFILTRATION instead of invasion, on SUBVERSION instead of elections, on INTIMIDATION instead of free choice, on GUERILLAS by night instead of armies by day” - JFK β€œUntil they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” - Winston, 1984, Orwell. I've been fooled so many times, just like most people. But I'm learning something new every day. My English is still pretty bad. Please forgive my grammatical misshaps. Tip: Want to learn quickly? Start listening to Alan Watt. NOT Watts, Watt. No S at the end. Remember.. Ye are manyβ€”they are few Oligarchy literally means 'a few' All tokens sent to me will be used to boost my own material and that of others that I find important. And you have my gratitude ^^. Videos: https://www.minds.com/5iF3R/videos Recommended Web: https://gefira.org https://cryptome.org https://wikispooks.com https://memoryhole.info https://henrymakow.com https://cuttingthroughthematrix.com Recommended on Minds: @Michael_Kingsbury @LaurenceBacchus @HideyJohnLoops @CorbettReport @TLAVagabond @Annieisverige @theantimedia @daneriksson @hhgraves86 @ActivistPost @Terjesdatter @xnuttymex @Saquedon @Milica42 @N.Morgan **************************** Honoring: @warriorprincess66 - Banned? @DrDudePhD - Banned? See my timeline for reminds of their work. @cownation (R.I.P.)
The System is a thought-provoking newsletter that delves into the hidden truths behind current events, government operations, conspiracies and other important issues. β†’ https://thesystem2.substack.com/
art source https://derpibooru.org/search?q=octavia+melody%2C+vector 50 internet points for every correct song guess in my videos c:
Sharing my vision of the Web 3.0 landscape and how we can successfully navigate the digital transformation of AI & blockchain as the host of Tech & Things. http://www.scottcbusiness.com/ - all my social channels and latest posts can be found here
Whatever the fuck i want... I am the militia Din/Du also, no pedos allowed; get your faggoty ass out of here
Sep 2015
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