𝐓𝐱𝐭𝐚𝐧 đ“đĄđąđ§đ€đ­đšđ§đ€ ✔

its fun to see humans ignore me just by looking at my Avatar name, but the truth is i want to avoid such narrow minded psychos. Baboons pick each others ticks to keep a good rapo with each other, while humans kiss each others asses, thats how we got over and over again and again same type of shit useless social network websites. Fighting with the evil of Minds.com is a futile waste of time.So i had moved on to Diaspora social, so "come find me when you wake up" ;-) But new features of Minds seem good so i am BACK. *---------*---------*-----------*--------* i dont gamble so i dont use the FUCKING TOKENS Here , so go ahead vote me down as you wish, Minds is a Gambling website so sooth yourself ; i am not a gambler, i am just a thinker with pure original thoughts.
Free Speech for the Approved, Approved Information for the masses!
I'm just a human being living on planet Earth, just like you! I'm going to provide information that informs you about a variety of topics which will include money, socioeconomic systems, and many other topics that affect us on a daily basis; and then I may add other topics just for the hell of it! So make sure you tune in and watch my videos. Up to you!
The more I experience, the easier I find it is to trust God.
Hi. I'm a Socialist, I'm Polyamorous, I'm kinky, I'm weird. Mimes are cool, but I would rather hear what you have to say. Thank you for those who added me. I look forward to our friendship.
In loving memory of Natalie 'Little Åska' ᛉ᛫Äska᛫ᛟ á›ŠášąášŸá›«á›á›Šá›«ášŠá›–á›«á›šá›áš·ášșᛏ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᚊᛖ᛫áščᛟᚱᛚᛞ ᛞᛁáščᛁ᚟ᛖᛁ᛫ᛒᛟášč᛫ᛏᛟ᛫ᚊᛖ᛫᛫ᛞᛖášČᚱᛖᛖ Sun is the light of the world I bow to the divine decree. Pagan. Isa thirst of lost waters birth. PĂ„ den nordiska halvön fanns en gĂ„ng en vacker tjej uppkallad efter Yule of Justice Winter Festival. PĂ„ en tid som Ă„nderna blir gamla, var hon en ny ström som sjelen sprang djupt och hjĂ€rtat smalt. Hon var snĂ€ll om du kom pĂ„ hennes vĂ€g, hon skulle lĂ„ta dig korsa lĂ€tt, men om du glider, akta dig, kan hennes djup och Ă„skande strömmar lĂ€tt drunkna dig. En dag kĂ€mpade en ren ochre trolldomare och namngiven av rĂ€ttvisa "just" under fallna stenblock nĂ€r nya strömvatten förflyttade jorden frigör trölen men svepte honom i hennes djupa och isiga vatten, men hon lĂ€t inte honom drunkna. Hon virvlade runt och förde honom till hennes ös strand. NĂ€r han förstod hur hon hade rĂ€ddat hans liv, började han bli kĂ€r i hennes kristallklara, men Ă€ndĂ„ djupa och skuggade vatten. Han rĂ€ckte ut för att röra vid henne, hon rĂ€ckte tillbaka och höll fast vid honom, som solens ljus pĂ„ jorden, han kĂ€nde henne sval vĂ€rme. SĂ„ fascinerad av hennes renhet, fördjupade han honom sjĂ€lv i henne och blev djup förĂ€lskad. Hon kĂ€nde och kĂ€nde hans kĂ€rlek, hon tillĂ€t honom att stranda sina banker med stenblock som han hoppades skulle ge henne styrka för hon var livet sjĂ€lvt. För henne, bördan av hennes egen grova, som gett upp av sin mamma förlorat lĂ€nge, kĂ€nde hon sig svag. Hon gav allt hon kunde, men nedströms missbrukades och försummades hennes vatten. Han kĂ€mpade för att trösta henne, men han visste inte vad han skulle göra. Hon uppmanade Frejas ande, han uppmanade andens dr, men ingen kunde hjĂ€lpa. Men de hade sin kĂ€rlek att hĂ„lla dem bundna. TrĂČl försökte flytta stenblock för hennes strĂ€nder men hon var lĂ„ngt borta för hans anstrĂ€ngningar, allt han kunde göra var att nĂ„ en liten del av henne, hennes hjĂ€rta. TyvĂ€rr kom den ödesdigra dagen, hennes vatten runnit torrt, hon var bara ett lur i leran, det fanns ingenting den rĂ€ttfĂ€rdiga mannen kunde göra men vĂ€nta och hoppas, han blev ocksĂ„ svag och ledsen tills hon en dag inte var mer. FrĂ„n den tiden blev mannen Ă„skan i hennes vatten och spillde sitt eget blod och försökte ge henne liv. Vad som kommer att komma av det Ă€r Ă€nnu inte berĂ€ttat. English---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of the Nordic peninsula there was once a beautiful girl named for the Yule of righteous winter festival. In a time the spirits grow old, she was a new stream who's soul ran deep and heart narrow. She was kind if you came upon her path, she would let you cross easy, but if you slip, beware, her depths and thundering currents could easily drown you. One day, a pure ogre conjurer "trollkarl" and named of justice "just and fair" was struggling beneath fallen boulders when new stream waters moved the earth freeing the tröl but sweeping him into her deep and icy waters, but she did not let him drown. She swirled around and brought him to her islands shore. As he was comprehending how she had saved his life, he began to fall in love with her crystal clear, yet deep and shadowed waters. He reached out to touch her, she reached back and clung to him, like the suns light upon the earth, he felt her cool warmth. So enthralled with her cleanness, he immersed him self in her, falling deep in love. She knew and felt his love, she allowed him to shore her banks with boulders that he hoped would give her strength for she was life its self. For her, the burden of her own coarse, spawned of her mother long lost, she felt weak. She gave all she could, but down stream her waters were abused and neglected. He struggled to comfort her, but he didn't know what to do. She called upon the spirit of Freja, he called upon the spirit of Òdr but none could help. But they had their love to hold them bound. The trĂČl tried to move boulders for her shores but she was far to distant for his efforts, all he could do was to reach a small part of her, her heart. Sadly, the fateful day came, her waters ran dry, she was but a trickle in the mud, there was nothing the just man could do but wait and hope, he too grew weak and sad until one day she was no more. From that time, the man became the thunder of her waters, spilling his own blood trying to give her life. What is to come of it is yet to be told. I love you Natalie!
Libertarian, historian, musician, truther, traveler, and teacher. https://gab.ai/TheMooseReport
"I" accept not knowing what "I" am. Total intellectual honesty. Solace in Science! I've replaced religion with tangible scientific understanding. Don't believe it? Think it's a bold claim? Watch all my content and arrive at scientific enlightenment. Anti-Identity. Anti-fake. Anti-honeydicker. Anti-spiritual. Anti-religious. Anti-Political. Stop pretending! Your labels just means you're delusional. Becoming a fascist more and more by the moment as I grow up and realize the majority are a near total liability, sadly. On the side of this; the rare forms that are capable of expressing the complex or valuable theories & are proficient with analysis, do not need to be regulated & you couldn't even if you wanted to; so they are, by default, excluded from whatever necessary fascist modalities that are implemented to limit negligence. The majority should not be trying to impose their will onto the intelligent but rather asking them how they should be living their lives. The majorities value systems are asinine & a perfect example of the failure to separate church & state. I don't do debate. Find someone else to be your intellectual sparring partner. I do appreciate people with specialized knowledge and enjoy being wrong. Let's take steps towards more accurate understandings. That is progress. My theme music was composed by nightshader1 @ youtube (Castlevania Symphony of the Night piano covers that are epic as well as much more)
I tell you the secrets of the system (matrix) → https://allyfortis.substack.com/
Cheers, I'm a tech enthusiast, failed artist, a starting musician, general skeptic, connoisseur of many trades, an occasional hacker, etc. đŸ€” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnnyXZnRvPkFu6UfCUAKSNg I do/can accept PayPal donations for my "work", if you wish to donate some amount. Private message me & we'll sort out the details. Thanks ! 😊 BitCoin Address: 3C19HgNP4ADvySv4Q9hred8JuTS8tyDddK Etherum (ERC-20 Token) OnChain Receiver Address: 0x826d6c24761ef8cac76e909f8a5fa3ee27cafc6d All of my posts organized (archived) under my very own created categories: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/844368682961682432 (currently a work in progress)
Sep 2015
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