
Connecting Science and Tech with ancient wisdoms from history, tradition, the Bible and God.
I am a supporter of Most Holy Family Monastery. Most Holy Family Monastery defends the Traditional Catholic faith - which is absolutely necessary for salvation - and exposes the false post-Vatican II Counter Church and more. I share their material in the hope that others will be led to the true faith of Christ. See MHFM's website: Their youtube channel is:
Jesus is the only way to God. I don't mean other people in other religions won't be saved. Jesus paid for the blood of all of mankind, and he just asks that we show love to one another. The Good Samaritan story. People will enter heaven and wonder "how the heck did I get here?" Jesus made the way through His death, and you love towards others was your access in. Not into religion, just about spreading the teachings of Jesus, #truth and #love. #Jesus didn't create a religion. He created a lifestyle. You make loving God and others your top priority, and everything else falls into place. I quit my job. Left all my possessions. Now, I live a life spreading live wherever I go and freeing people from the #ratrace with the sword of Truth! Any tokens given will be used to boost posts on this channel and get more people aware of God's love. They are welcome, but not required. Enjoy the content yourself, click on all the links, watch all the videos, if you find value in any of them then drop a like, comment or remind. If you don't, why? Drop a comment and we can talk about it. Peace and Love to you all! #StayBlessed
ABOUT e-Missionary | Infusing Christ's Grace into the Mundane ....................................................... MISSION "As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love." Ephesians 4:14-16 ....................................................... HASHTAGS #bible #god #yhwh #jesus #yeshua #christ #messiah #meshiach #torah #tanakh #spirit #gospel #testament #scripture #prophecy #apologetics #polemics #israel #salvation #redemption #messianic #christian #jew #hebrew #islam #muhammad #jihad #quran #allah #philosophy #joy #peace #religion #freedom #sin #death #judgment #community #fellowship #promise #atheist #agnostic #evolution #darwin #creation #genesis #resurrection #life #deity #devotion #faith #justice #mercy #grace
Someone seeking Truth nothing else matters... ---------------------------------------- A nice Sub Reddit... ---------------------------------------- YouTube channels I like and would love for you to check out... A Voice In The Desert: --------- End Time Survivors: -------- Beacon of Hope:
This channel is a God driven channel. He runs it, I am only a Stuart of this channel. If you or anyone you know has a question that you want to be covered please leave it in the comments below. Thank you for your time and God Bless.
Ideas & Reasons related to Theism
Sep 2017
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