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Welcome to our page. We are a new company trying to expand the minds of the world. All are welcome to enjoy, like, share and experience what we post. It is a pleasure to share our ideas and creativity with fellow minds. Our goal is awareness and finding the truth to current situations taking place around the globe. Enjoy. Disclaimer: Although we create the Meme we DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO ARTWORK. If your artwork is on our page and you want it down, contact us and it will be removed at your request. We are what we consume. #BelieveInYourself #FindRealTruths #OpenMinded #CreativeAwareness #Limitless #Ideaologist #Seekers Subscribe and ReMind New Subscribers please #SignYourNametag and you may get the chance to win some free tokens. All the love is appreciated and we look forward to expanding the minds of the world together. Thank You For Supporting Recent Donor @Jamesn @Starhammer @DarkwinGunther @OrchidQuill @zenirich @TheDreamKeeper @ErinDrops @JenaGoddess @ChrisDooGood @FishMan @TstJohn @Pnut68 @Fatman1369 @GophersWorld @ladyhug @KyleSislerJATWC @Bio1 @masstransithonchkrow @AgainstAvarice @Huhwhtfkr @TwiinScorpio @naturegirl @MaddFORit I Spy Winners (So Far) @CavalcantiIgor @AvidDIYer @AirdropAlert @ErinDrops @QuadriguaCX
location_onSheepless City
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Date: All
Welcome to our page. We are a new company trying to expand the minds of the world. All are welcome to enjoy, like, share and experience what we post. It is a pleasure to share our ideas and creativity with fellow minds. Our goal is awareness and finding the truth to current situations taking place around the globe. Enjoy. Disclaimer: Although we create the Meme we DO NOT OWN RIGHTS TO ARTWORK. If your artwork is on our page and you want it down, contact us and it will be removed at your request. We are what we consume. #BelieveInYourself #FindRealTruths #OpenMinded #CreativeAwareness #Limitless #Ideaologist #Seekers Subscribe and ReMind New Subscribers please #SignYourNametag and you may get the chance to win some free tokens. All the love is appreciated and we look forward to expanding the minds of the world together. Thank You For Supporting Recent Donor @Jamesn @Starhammer @DarkwinGunther @OrchidQuill @zenirich @TheDreamKeeper @ErinDrops @JenaGoddess @ChrisDooGood @FishMan @TstJohn @Pnut68 @Fatman1369 @GophersWorld @ladyhug @KyleSislerJATWC @Bio1 @masstransithonchkrow @AgainstAvarice @Huhwhtfkr @TwiinScorpio @naturegirl @MaddFORit I Spy Winners (So Far) @CavalcantiIgor @AvidDIYer @AirdropAlert @ErinDrops @QuadriguaCX
location_onSheepless City