
Southern, Mom, home schooler, Radical freedom lover, cat lover,Voluntaryist, libertarian (Take note of the small L) , Podcaster, public speaker, voice-over artist.
Peaceful parent, cat lover, Anarchist/Voluntarist
Freedom for all the things!!#AntiWar! Support The Innocence Project #FreeRoss! Government is violence. MeWe: Flote:JudeTrahan
So'n Typ aus One Piece - Freiheit Frauen Feuerpower Freunde Finanzen Freudentänze Frickeln Fantasie Ficken Futtern Fremdsprachen Fielosofi & Falschschreibung ;)
♦Blockchain™ ethusiast ♦Cryptocurrency & mining ♦Offers mining service ♦BTC/ETH/LIT/ZIT
Blockchain™ ethusiast ♦Cryptocurrency & mining ♦Offers mining service ♦BTC/ETH/LIT/ZIT ⛏mining pool Inbox me now.#miningpool #blockchain
I'm into open source apps for android, decentralization, and American History. I'd like to use this platform to give back when I can.
I am the worlds queerest anarchist and the universes most politically incorrect queer. I self identify as transgender, genderqueer, panarchist, syndicalist, genderfuck, lesbian, post-Marxist, voluntarist, libertarian socialist, Rothbardian, Bookchinite, Guevarist, Dadaist, genderfluid, genderflux, sex-positive feminist, mentally ill, contrarian, Yippie, goth, punk, riot grrrrl, gonzo journalist, provocateur, iconoclast, pill head, gadfly, dabbler, suburban guerilla, anti-imperialist, service dom, mommy dom, brat tamer, Christopagan, pervert, weirdo, lapsed Catholic, dyke, crazy cat lady and enemy of the state, among other things. I hate big business, big government, organized religion, borders, prisons, compulsory schooling and the state. I write for Attack the System, Counterpunch and Rational Review, and I run the most dangerous blog online,
Just wanderien around ...
Dec 2018
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