"As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one!" (Romans 3:10)
"Есть логика намерений, а есть логика обстоятельств." ~ Сталин
"There is a logic of intentions, and there is a logic of circumstances." ~ Stalin
В детстве - в рабстве у родителей.
В юности - у собственной плоти.
В зрелости - у Маммоны.
В старости - у немощи и болезней.
И в довершение всего - у вечной смерти.
Не безумие ли мириться с такой судьбой?
Сталин ушел из жизни Председателем Совета Министров (Эта должность была главенствующей). Он создал Президиум Совета Министров после войны, который стал противовесом Политбюро ЦК.
Stalin passed away Chairman of the Council of Ministers. He created the Presidium of the Council of Ministers after the war, which became a counterbalance to the Politburo of the Central Committee.
Why (((they))) talk endlessly about the Stalin's "terror" and not a word about the Lenin and Trotsky's TERROR???
Почему (((они))) без конца говорят о "терроре" Сталина и ни слова о ТЕРРОРЕ Ленина и Троцкого???
Why (((they))) HATE Stalin???
Because Thanks to Stalin USSR smashed Hitler's army and he did NOT permit West to turn Russia into the Great Britain's and USA's colony.
Почему Хрущёв ненавидел Сталина?
Потому что Сталин не помиловал его сына за предательство Родины за что полагалась высшая мера наказания.
φιλοσοφία (philosophia), literally 'Love of Wisdom'
"The ONLY Good is Knowledge; the ONLY evil is IGNORANCE!" ~ Socrates
Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred.
Philosophy Insight on Instagram
COVID: Control, Oppress, Victimize, Isolate, Divide
"Make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians'" ~ Prince of the Jews, (the advice to the Grand Satraps and Rabbis in Spain, November 1489)
Remdesivir kills People in Hospitals!!!
The GOAL of Communism is it destroys Individual RIGHTS!!!
Marx's life demonstrated the fruits of his insane ideology!
How can you take seriously people, who pretend to be great thinkers, but neglect their responsibility as a parent and partner???
God did NOT create religions! Hungry for Power and Control men did!!!
Jesus Christ did NOT create DENOMINATIONS. Hungry for Power and Control men DID!!! THEY created DENOMINATIONS and they just using Christ’s Name, but NOT His Gospel!!!
“The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” (Matt. 21:43)
Бог НЕ создавал религий! Он только раскрыл Себя человеству.
А Жаждущие Власти и Контроля индивидуалы создавали религии чтобы подчить себе группы людей!!!
Иисус был очень критическим в отношении религиозных фарисеев, поэтому они ненавидели Его и распяли Его.
"Иисус говорит им: неужели вы никогда не читали в Писании: камень, который отвергли строители, тот самый сделался главою угла? ... Потому сказываю вам (иудеям), что отнимется от вас Царство Божие и дано будет народу, приносящему плоды его..." (От Матфея 21:42-43)
The Shame Campaign – Revealing the Secrets of the Ill-Dark-And-Naughty
The term “catholic” [from the Greek adjective καθολικός (katholikos), meaning “universal”], was coined by the bishop of Antioch Ignatius of Antioch (50-117 AD), the Apostolic Father of the early Church.
In the context of Christian Ecclesiology, it was first used to indicate Christendom as a WHOLE.
The term the “Roman” appeared ONLY in the end of the 16 century. First it was "Romanist" (about 1515-1525). Then it was "Romish" (around 1525-1535). And finally “Roman Catholic” between 1665 and 1675. The term was created as an insult by Anglicans who wished to refer to THEMSELVES as Catholic.
The Vatican is NOT Associated with Christianity.
It's an Ancient Babylonian Pagan Cult Based on the Worship to the Sun and Pagan gods BILLIONS are UNknowingly worshiping Lucifer
"The pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and Earth." ~ Pope Pius V
La Kipá, es un gorro ritual judío.
Jorge Maria Bergoglio is "the pope according to their [masons] desire."
The DARK History of the Vatican [La OSCURA Historia del Vaticano]
List of sexually active popes
Jewish last names in alphabetical order
Francis Borgia (Borja) was commissioned by Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (later pope Paul III) to create the Jewsuit Order, the Military Order FOR the Vatican. Ignatius of Loyola was co-Founder of the IHS. Borgia was the great-grandson of the most corrupt pope Alexander VI and of the king Ferdinand II of Aragon
Christ put religion to death on the cross. By 500 AD, the Roman Empire brought it back, because there’s no better way to control people... the Roman Empire was a military entity, but now it becoming a religious entity as well. It burning the Word of God -- the Bible, made it ILLEGAL, torturing and murdering anyone that was found with it. The Catholic Church becoming a syncretistic mix of Judaism, Paganism and Luciferianism, trapping the believers of Christ's teachings. The Bible has remained under attack by the Roman Catholic Church for its entire existence
No institution/organization has tortured or slaughtered more Christians than RCC inquisition. "Foxes Book of Martyrs" is deeply disturbing. The numbers of the tortured and murdered of Bible-believing Christians by the RCC
Marranos and Conversos are the terms what the Inquisition called the Jews in Spain/Europe.
卐 ✡
Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling … makes no difference.
The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred.
maurice samuel
'I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are NOT, but are a [e]synagogue of Satan." ~ Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:9)
"I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are NOT, BUT LIE—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." ~ Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:9)
They "are of [their] father the devil, and the desires of [their] father [they] want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does NOT stand in the truth, because THERE IS NO truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for HE IS A LIAR and the father of it." ~ Jesus Christ (John 8:44)
"Make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians' lives." ~ Prince of the Jews, (the advice to the Grand Satraps and Rabbis in Spain, November 1489)
"Those who CANNOT remember the past, are condemned to repeat it."~ Jorge Augustin de Santayana
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.” ~ Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish Statesman and Philosopher
Anti-Semitism: The word anti-Semitism was an invention; H.H. Beamish, in a New York address, October 30 – November 1, 1937:
“In 1848 the word ‘anti-Semitic’ was invented by the Jews to prevent the use of the word ‘Jew.’ The right word for them is ‘Jew’.”
жид жиды жидов
israel cohen https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1286754082224082948
karl marx https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1282725964681318420
Word 'jew' https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1285699613264711681
a) Jewish surnames
b) List of Jewish scientists
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