
~sometimes~ many small things can need to converge, before what was in mind all along can emerge. For things that evolve within life this is the norm, complications combined into simpler form. One technique is to let it flow free in the mind, and to note what was lit as it briefly shined. Take each one specifically as a visionary gift, one more pivotal piece of an an impending shift. Of course along the way things might appear to go wrong but in the end all is right as we puzzle along #StarveTheBeast #AgoristSolutions #TurnofftheMSM #MigrateToMinds #NaturalRights Voluntaryist My first group is "Prophetic Fiction" could I list all the things I missed by not watching the TV? I’d have to care, to become aware of everything Ive failed to see. But to put those lies into my eyes - that poison in my ears, to hear the toxic song I didn’t listen to for years? No, I don’t need to know where I didn’t go - I’m good with where I’m at. So then such a list just can’t exist... and that’s the end of that Second group is "Remote Viewing" (it's in beta but join anyway!)
Self taught Artist Blacksmith, avid skier, avid whitewater kayaker, outdoor loving, family man.
Psychology, Equality, Polyamory, Compassion, Compersion, Nature, Kindness & Mindfulness 🌕ॐ 🌙
Common Law & Random Picture Art plzz SUBSCRIBE. Important NOTE do your OWN ! research WE are grown up men & woman man isn't perfect we ALL make mistake's and we have our own eye's & ear's so let's use em. remember to research there is no way to know it ALL :) research is our best friend. & WE are alway's learning something NEW everyday :) . .......Deer non citizens We Are Anonymous! We Are not citizens we are not a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government We are not the king's or queens subjects or a person is a corporation who legally belongs to the state Our RIGHTS are NOT privileges RIGHTS CAN'T be TAKEN or GIVEN TO US we are born with them and we are lawful NOT legal we are live living man&woman not artificial person slaves ! WE stand IN COMMON LAW as a man or woman and we.......Do Not Forgive! We Do Not Forget! Expect us! #truth 🍓🍒🍊🍇🍎🍍🍌🍉💕🎉👌😄⛽💎🐒🐖🐲🚀🍕👿👹⛳🎪👍☕🎬👊 xXx 🖕💡😜 🎥💪🍷🍫 🎧💆🐦🐝✊☝😎💻🎮 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ☀️👼⚠️✌😎👍💨👁👂🤓🤔😬😑🤑
Conspiracies,bizarre history,cover-ups,and more.
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
Mar 2017
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