
DOB 09/13/1947 Single two years 02/08/2022 No children
What is best in life in the ruins of the Western civilization #KaliYuga #LifeStyle Resistance against the globalist empire.
It's true, productivity is up and the economy is booming! Welcome to the Golden Age of Propaganda! (Disclaimer: none of the pictures on this channel were made by us. Also, feel free to understand that most of the posts are humor, thank you!)
E-commerce Ninjas/Jedis/GOATs Apparently the only one talking about #amazon and #ecommerce on @Minds Subscribe for your daily dose of things we find interesting šŸ
Migrant from IG. I'm here to spread the gospel of self ownership.
Home is where your heart is. Literally, if you are within your heart then you are always home, wherever you may be. Hello and welcome. Settling in nice and comfy I hope. Elderberry-Fox lives @PointyStik. You know, the PointyStik which points to the village of Elderberry. Welcome to my home here on Minds. Life is made up of endless moments so I capture a few to share them with you. I trade my photos for smiles and here I'll be sharing my photography with you and of course some other things that I find noteworthy. My motto is: "If I can put a smile on your face then my work is done" As to my own photos, they are the world seen through my eyes, straight out of the camera, un-cropped and un-enhanced. You get to see what I see. Please join me on my journey through the real world and the world of internet finds. Feel free to add me and comment Best wishes Mr Elderberry-Fox a young minder since 2016 #photography #internetfinds
What can I say? I prefer the planet over people, Computers over Children, Animals over Adults. Why? Because the latter has one thing in common, they are humans and humanity has already proven itself to be a chaotic creature bordering on parasitic and yes before you say it I know I am human, I am trying to better myself, are you? Cave of Fame: @Bdubscully Banner called Epic Dragon Battle by jjpeabody
2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Yoga. Plant-based. Inquiries: http://tulsigabbard.com (Views do not reflect position of DoD)
PROPAGANDA FOR THE HEROIC AGE ā†Æ To survive you will need - brutal honesty - mental health - physical strength - heart to follow - self to develop - loyalty of your gang - sense of humor - joy in struggle - a burning need - nothing to lose.
Feb 2018
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