
location_onRacoon City
READ THIS BLOG FIRST! https://www.minds.com/blog/view/698672413042286610 They call me a female Ace Ventura. Creator of motion pictures on Youtube. #slovenia 🇸🇮 For business inquiries: [email protected] Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/barbara4u2 PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/Barbara4u2c All links and IDs are real, but I am NOT the real Barbara4u2c. I'll post all her videos here, and when she decides to grace us with her presence on minds all she has to do is ask nicely. @Darwyn
Dedicated to exploring the intersection of oppression, identity, and the subjugation of the Ethno-Kekistani peoples at the hands of Cuckistani agitators.
I occasionally make Youtube videos on contemporary political issues, attempting to discuss them in a nuanced and rational manner. My Minds channel will be more interactive and to bounce ideas off my subscribers. I'll also occasionally talk about gaming, music and other random things.
I'm a book nerd who likes to make videos and write about the evils of feminism, SJWs, and general idiots.
Badass Movies & Music Reviews.
Geeks + Gamers is a website that is dedicated to all aspects of geek culture.
Author, gamer, and video maker. If you said that sentence right, it rhymes, so I'm also a rapper, essentially. Find my politics/philosophy/shitposting, Audiobooks, and Gaming below.
Child labor activist, lampoon artist, secret agent, gender: normal
Das Baumhaus des Westens ist ein seit 2014 bestehender Blog über konservative Werte, freie Märkte, Politik und Geschichte. Alle neuen Artikel (und ausgewählte Archivartikel) werden zuerst auf Minds.com erscheinen und erst einen Tag später auf der Homepage und den anderen Social-Media Auftritten des Baumhauses. https://baumhausdeswestens.org/ https://www.facebook.com/baumhausdeswestens/ https://twitter.com/BaumhausdesWest If a German blog isn't much to your taste, check out my other minds channel LordBuxworth, where I blog about weird stuff from history. No politics though... https://www.minds.com/LordBuxworth
Racoon City
Jul 2016
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