
Author and indie publisher. Books: 151 Days, Conception. Current project: ATMO. Published: Shelter, Prison, Seeds of the After the Flare series, The Overseer's Son, The Pursuers, The Big Game of the Children of the Guard series. The Webs We Weave.
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV). "The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going." (Proverbs 14:15, KJV). I am interested in exploring various different viewpoints in science. "Exploring viewpoints Controversies of Science, little-known information, and more" Disclaimer: This page is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. No claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the information presented are made. Under no circumstances shall the owner of this page be liable and/or responsible to any person or entity for any action taken on the basis of the information presented on this page. Technology / Science / Future
Hi! 😙 My nаme is Jessica! 😇 I want to meet а man for mеetings! 😊 сheсk my pаge - , my login - judgkingbora1971 💛 I'll wait for yоu 💛😊😳
Hi! 😳 My nаme is Sara! 😚 I wаnt tо meet a man fоr meetings! 😊 check my pаgе - , my niсkname - tegaquarrie1980 😊 I'll wаit for yоu 💛😙😊
Hi! 😗 My nаmе is Teresa! 😙 I want to meеt friend fоr love! 😇 сheсk my pagе - , my niсknamе - amsedilo1984 😚 I'll wаit for you 💛😇😊
First I want to say a very hearty... THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! THANK YOU ! ... to any subscribers and to thank everyone very much for any up-votes, ReMinds, Tokens, comments and support! Thanks for visiting on your path to the Truth! On my channel you will definitely encounter topics which can be considered controversial. Some of these topics have been commonly referred to as "uncomfortable" or "inconvenient" truths. (However, I do urge you to stick with me...) After uncovering these subjects for what they really are, you'll find there is an inherent obligation to assist other people in discovering this information... Hey, have you ever noticed that nearly all of the large corporations have as their 'logos' a six-pointed star or cube/hexagon? This is becoming even more in your face in recent years. (Sometimes they go for the less powerful five-pointed star or pentagon shape)... Failing this, they have some other overt or veiled reference to the Sun or Saturn. (See my post on all of the other 'logos' you should get used to seeing...) Think about it. Even the car manufacturers do it. Toyota has a literal image/depiction of Saturn. Nissan has a literal depiction of Saturn... and then there's that other car company... Saturn! [Saturn is Chronos, Saturn represents 'Satan', 'Moloch', 'Chiun', 'Remphan', Osiris/Horus; Saturn is an object of worship for these people. Maybe now that you are aware of this, I believe you will notice it everywhere.] It's also represented by the hexagon and hexagram, aka , the "Seal of Solomon", the "Remphan Star" and (erroneously) the "Star of David". The various bulletin boards and memos around the corporate and banking workplaces are rife with cubes, hexagons and six-pointed stars. Sometimes they even have tag lines such as "It's coming!" I am quite tempted to share photos of the various workplace memos and posted announcements because they almost all contain highly unnecessary use of cubes, hexagons and stars. (However, I can't because we all sign a strict confidentiality agreement which includes not taking photos. For the same reason, you'll notice I will not actually mention where I work...) Anyhow, baby/child and adult merchandise alike are adorned with depictions of stars and planets more often than not. (They make sure to include Saturn! ) If not, then UFO's, aliens, kittens, white rabbits, fake unicorns, owls or dinosaurs. Without these, they are more likely to opt for something with even more overt religious significance such as the "Apple" (with a bite out of it) from the garden of Eden or a serpentine shape (sometimes formed into a figure 8 / infinity sign / ouroboros) or for that matter a cosmic egg... Then of course you have the even more blatant pyramid / capstone / all-seeing eye. I've been aware of certain truths related to the above for quite a while (perhaps 15 years) and yet... Somehow I see them MORE AND MORE in my daily comings and goings... I don't just see these at work or at home of course but out in the world. They're in Movies, T.V. Shows, Music Videos, on the News networks and commercials... I've read thousands of books and watched tens of thousands of movies... I've watched hundreds of T.V. 'programs'; every moment of every episode of every season... and yet I am not proud of this. Quite the opposite. I am ASHAMED. Like many of you, I've come to realize that all of these forms of "entertainment" including the "news" networks are geared toward brainwashing and indoctrination. Keep in mind of course, all of these things can also be rightly described as predictive programming. We are being mentally conditioned to subconsciously accept or at the very least be aware of the upcoming events which will befall the world. When the orchestrated events transpire we are then more likely to think (even if only subconsciously) that we already knew this was going to happen; it was inevitable. We are also more likely to move on with our lives thinking this event was not actually so important and it's no big deal... nothing really changed. (With the added element of fear thrown in for an event which WILL one day affect our daily lives.) This should not be news to most of you. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 9/11/2001 was a long-planned and fine-tuned orchestrated event having nothing to do with Muslim/Arab or Middle-Eastern "terrorists" . The Twin Towers were expertly demolished with the added bonus of demolishing building 7 around 5:30pm that same day. Countless phony and ridiculously contradicting and heavily edited videos were released to the public for maximum effect. The Pentagon was not hit by an aircraft. The main wall was destroyed by a 'missile' and then demolitions. ..and now with some sort of update, the rest of this section has been cut off.
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Sep 2016
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