
Breaking all stereotypes with my views on political, social & economic issues from the non "traditional" right.
We Are Anonymous. We Are Collectivists. We Are Etheric Operators. We Are ProjecT MayhEM TheGame23. Welcome to THE PROJECT, you found your way back to IT!
Prager University is an online video resource promoting knowledge and clarity on life's biggest and most interesting topics. We gather some of the world's best thinkers and distill their best ideas into free, 5-minute videos on things ranging from history and economics to science and happiness. Enjoy. NOTE: I have no association with Prager University.
Channel dedicated to all veterans, past, present and future. Subscribe, Share, Support. Please follow our minds group https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704
Help us in exposing the sick fucks and the hypocrites Thank you for all the votes, support and wires. I give all points to #MindsVets to support the cause and the group. Follow if you believe in the cause and what they are doing. https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704
Raconteur, bon vivant, boulevardier, Libertarian conservative, NYT bestselling author and star of the new Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone." VISIT: https://stonecoldtruth.com
https://www.rt.com/ RT is a global, round-the-clock news network of eight TV channels, broadcasting news, current affairs, and documentaries
Sep 2016
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