
Silly man. Poet. Pretender.
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Master Of The Masters that I Am
I'll show you mind if you show me yours
-Rapper with a mind wide open-Wisdom shared between minds
MASTER of LOVE Looking for REAL LOVE Maître de l'Amour Recherchant le Véritable Amour
Auteur compositeur interprète Sur cette page, je partage des photos que j'ai recueilli depuis plusieurs années sur des sites "Royalty free". Il est probable que certaines photos n'aient pas ce statut et je ne peut vérifier sur les sites d'origine car certains n'existent plus. Avisez-moi dans ce cas d'une image non permise... Pour trouver la référence d'une photo, utilisez Google image et encouragez le propriétaire si possible! :)
Here at Shark Tank Productions, we love video games, movies, TV shows, books, music and (almost) everything pop culture. We've started with focusing on the gaming aspect of our page but as time moves on, we'll eventually have more options for everyone! This is purely a hobby for now as we love to do these kind of things simply for the fun but with your help, it could grow into something REALLY amazing, with skits and sketches, more original videos, articles, news and reviews, and much, much more! Watching our videos, sharing them, and getting involved with the Shark Tank community is more than we could ever expect from all of you but if you would really like to help us get moving, any form of donation is greatly appreciated, with a great deal of rewards coming soon. STG also has a video game shop located on our Facebook page if you would like to help us out and grab a great deal for your video game collection/stash. We can also be found on Patreon and other avenues should you wish to further support our work :)
Lover of freedom. Pro-nationalist, pro-freedom, pro-trump, pro-borders, pro-bmw, pro-conservative, pro-gun, pro-capitalism, pro-constitution, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-globalist, anti-communist, anti-lbgtqrxz, anti-islam, anti-diversity, anti-sjw, anti-immigration. Conservative concerned about the state of affairs in the globalist-infected, liberal-infested western world which is being overrun by migrant invaders and destroyed by a genocidal globalist plot to destroy western society.
Hello! 😍 My nаmе is Wendy! 😊 I want to mееt а man for lovе! 😉 сheсk link - , my nickname - evtoocurking1982 😊 I'll wait for you 💛😊😘
Hеllo! 💛 My nаme is Barbara! 😉 I wаnt tо meet friend for lоve! 😗 сhеck link - , my niсkname - distseboorsse1984 😘 I'll wait for you 💛😇😍
Jun 2015
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