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#MindsGaming Blockchain Rewards

#MindsGamingOct 24, 2021, 10:12:34 PM

Welcome to everything you need to know about our blockchain rewards! That’s right everything from what they are to how to trade them, its all here!!

What Are They?

Tokens. Okay maybe that doesn't explain a lot, our rewards are a way to get involved and learn about cryptocurrency trading. We give you blockchain tokens you can trade and earn a large amount of different cryptocurrencies 

This allows you to get involved and start learning about cryptocurrency trading by just playing some games. I'd say free but we all know your time is worth something, and to earn our rewards you need to get involved by playing games.


Our blockchain reward tokens can be traded from the tokens trading page for MintMe, and MintMe can be traded for a major cryptocurrency like ETH, BTC, BNB or USDC. As well as many other tokens on the MintMe network.

How To Trade:

As the main traders for our reward tokens are on MintMe you will need an account. Once you create an account you can start accepting our reward tokens and start trading. To start trading the token go to the reward tokens trading page, you will see buy offers and sales offers for the token. Sell the token to the highest bidder, or list the token for sale on the sales sheet.

Once you have sold your token you will earn MintMe that can be traded for your choice of cryptocurrency rewards. Go to the trading page of the reward you wish to gain and repeat the process of selling the token to the highest bidder or listing it for sale. Once you’re ready withdraw your reward to cash out or send it to MetaMask swapped for MINDS (This will cost a gas fee).







Why would you give me free cryptocurrency?

We don’t. Playing games mines MintMe for our ecosystem and puts value into our ecosystem tokens. Ecosystem users can use the mined tokens to buyback and raise token prices as well as trade for other cryptocurrency. You can join our ecosystem and miner by owning MTCG.

Benefits Of Our Reward System.

Other than being able to learn the basics of trading and the chance to earn cryptocurrency using these skills, you can also create your own token and start trading it. If you make good trades and traction on your token you can launch it to a block-chain and start your own idea, exchange, or whatever else you would need a token for. Or just use it as a way to crowdfund through donations in cryptocurrency.

Decentralized ecosystems and blockchains and personal tokens are the future. With major corporations starting to jump on the ban wagon, it’s only a matter of time before trading, exchanging and owning a token will become a major part of financial independence and everyday life.


Where Do I Play?

You can start playing and earning our blockchain rewards on our community website! Just Login in with your wallet id where you want to the tokens sent! 


Thank you guys as always for your support and community interactions in groups, hashtags and everything else you do for this community. We wouldn’t be here without you, we know tokens aren’t for everyone so don’t feel bad if you still haven't hopped on the bandwagon so to speak. Just keep doing you and being amazing in our community! Thanks so much!


Related Blogs:

#MTCG Token Economics Basics ( #MindsGaming)


Trading For Dummies

Ooh, you’re still here. Must want some pro tips on trading your token or something. Well I’ll do my best to list some pro tips in my own fun little fashion take them or leave them just buy more MTCG.

1.) They set a token price for you, why did you sell so many?

2.) If you cant buy the bracket you should sell.


3.) If you don’t want to sell maybe you should buy.


4.) No I didn’t say sell more than you can buy.


5.) Don’t withdrawal unless you’re making money.