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USA Today Bestselling Author, Plain and Reasonable Man. Living Beyond Off-Grid. Thanks for your wires. I'm ditching FB and taking as much of my platform as I can with me. Help me help others get out of the matrix.
location_onSanta Anna
I'm not here to go nightclubbing with emotionally charged political knotheads.
Shall I give them religion? . . . If I could allow myself a sarcastic and cynical moment: There is much research done for these writings and many excerpts are taken secondary to the primary essay or book. I am putting this together not to create an ethos for myself but rather as a discovery. I have seen the community colleges and university educational system in play and I can do better, much better. If you want to use any of this material just ask and I will provide comprehensive source material and citations-everything here is legit and at the highest level of scholarship. So, no reason to criticize what you may see as plagiarism when I am openly admitting my 'form',...which is basically a standard university essay form--materially rephrasing others' work, correct? That is what we call school in America now, I think... Thanks. If it seems I don't know much about the internet it is because I don't normally stare at screens. I stare at journals and books with paper and pen nearby. 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 No links are posted for vids because it is aesthetically displeasing. I'm sure you can find them yourself.
Our Mission: To bring your updates on today's scientific research directly from the source: straight from the scientist working hard to make new discoveries about our world. #science #research #truth www.straightfromascientist.com
Vu Quang Tin Mong muốn thế giới tốt đẹp hơn không còn chiến tranh và thù hận. lòng nhân ái và tình yêu ở khắp mọi nơi. hãy chung tay làm cho thế giới tốt đẹp nhất có thể.
Books. French fries. Conspiracies. Friends?
Santa Anna
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Aug 2017
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