Maintained R4ge

I'm a free speech absolutist.
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
News and Opinions from Breitbart London. We are New here so Your Wires are hugely appreciated. Help us grow by sending Us Minds Token.
READ THIS BLOG FIRST! About that Deus Vult TRAD life for Christ the King and Country ☦ Isaiah 6:8 ⚔️ #SlavRight Instagram: All links and IDs are real, but I am NOT the real Faith Goldy. I'll post all her videos here, and when she decides to grace us with her presence on minds all she has to do is ask nicely. @Darwyn
Anti-SJW liberal
Posting today's news and related spicy memes. Always open to discussion with liberals. Just come prepared. I am not a Russian bot My groups: Cord Cutters MAGA MEMES Breaking 911 Not Tired of Winning Drain the Swamp
Raconteur, bon vivant, boulevardier, Libertarian conservative, NYT bestselling author and star of the new Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone." VISIT:
Atheist, practical thinker, liberal but not in the political sense, anti-PC.Respect people, ridicule stupid ideas. Visit my YT channel.
In'Shadilay, my brothers, sisters, and attack helicopter-kin! May Pepe help reveal to you the spark of Kek that lies within you, as it lies within us all! (except Bill Nye - that guy has no Kek in him whatsoever. Seriously, I can't stress this enough - Bill Nye has NO Kek. He is . . . the ANTI-PEPE!) I am the Charge D'Affaires here - I have to do my own social media, as we are a bit short on personnel at the moment. Aside from my official duties to improve the world by speaking the unspeakable, and otherwise trolling normies, my personal interests are gaming, science, and financial market psychology. My pet peeve is science fraud. "Free Speech Absolutist - At Best!" ". . . can't be more than 14 years old" "YOU'RE AMERICAN?! NO WAY!!" 'REWARDS' There can be no more Rewards, as Minds has reset my available Wallet total to 0. Apologies to any who would have otherwise expected wires from me.
THE FAILED RACE doing my part to EXPOSE the hoax of BLACK victimization and the MYTH of black SUPERIORITY all the time, everywhere that has made our QUALITY OF LIFE so wonderful nowadays. searching TIRELESSLY for whitepeopledoittoo. having fun calling out the FAILED RACE unless cited, this stuff is MINE, and, like, my OPINION, man. not begging for UPVOTE or repost, i don't CARE. but i do APPRECIATE those who knowwhatiamsayin, and COMMENT. and i try to send the POINTS to the RIGHT person. i have NO problem being CALLED OUT on clerical, clarification, or judgment ERRORS of my OWN. just try to string TOGETHER a VALID understandable retort. exposing the obvious is obvious INDOCTRINATION that has permeated education, media, news, entertainment, politics... AD INFINITUM. NOT burning crosses here people. no RACISM. NO violence - protection/ prediction/ premonition/ preparation/ probability are HARDLY violence. and no RELIGION too - for or AGAINST. no CURSING. no N-WORDS. MY page, my RULES. i REFUSE to be anything but suspicious, sarcastic, satirical, sardonic, cynical, salty, skeptical - using some sites, statistics, science, silly sheit, other smart stuff and suspension of sanity while usually stoned. if you THINK i am picking on any CULTURE, please reference any rap video EVER... and if that ain't COUNTRY, i'll kiss your ASS.
Jan 2018
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