Always look at the bright side of death. ^watch Angry Foreigner videos^
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
Just a mama who doesn't have time to give fucks. Gives hugs, baked goods and devoted friendship. I ReMind stuff a lot. I don't always agree with it. Sometimes, it's bullshit or funny or thought-provoking or just ridiculous. However, since i encourage discussion, i ReMind it for others to discuss. I also routinely talk to myself on camera at and beg for shekels here:
A white male with dissenting opinions!
Just your average millennial/philosopher king. Politics & social commentary. I am on the YouTube. Website:
The official Minds account for YouTube's greatest right-wing video aggregator!
Memes for the lack of sex...
In'Shadilay, my brothers, sisters, and attack helicopter-kin! May Pepe help reveal to you the spark of Kek that lies within you, as it lies within us all! (except Bill Nye - that guy has no Kek in him whatsoever. Seriously, I can't stress this enough - Bill Nye has NO Kek. He is . . . the ANTI-PEPE!) I am the Charge D'Affaires here - I have to do my own social media, as we are a bit short on personnel at the moment. Aside from my official duties to improve the world by speaking the unspeakable, and otherwise trolling normies, my personal interests are gaming, science, and financial market psychology. My pet peeve is science fraud. "Free Speech Absolutist - At Best!" ". . . can't be more than 14 years old" "YOU'RE AMERICAN?! NO WAY!!" 'REWARDS' There can be no more Rewards, as Minds has reset my available Wallet total to 0. Apologies to any who would have otherwise expected wires from me.
Deep into that darkness peering, Long I stood there, Wondering, Fearing, Doubting...
READ THIS BLOG FIRST! Youtuber Writer Transgender Pundit Not here to kiss your ass. Unless you got my contact via Craigslist. Patreon: Email: [email protected] All links and IDs are real, but I am NOT the real Theryn Meyer. I'll post all her videos here, and when she decides to grace us with her presence on minds all she has to do is ask nicely. @Darwyn
Feb 2017
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