
Visualizing Data to Promote Better Public Policy
Everyday, more, and more people are becoming brainwashed with the idea that American ideals would never fall under tyrant rule ever again. However, the erosion of our liberties is happening right under our noses. The goal is to restore American ideals, back to the way our Founding Fathers intended. Image: An American flag is placed in a dirt-filled barrier outside the headquarters of 3rd Platoon near Kandahar Photographs: Bob Strong / Reuters
Can you imagine how much better the world would be if we had a truly free people-run media, free markets and uncensored social media? Well, together on Minds we can start to build it. Dumping FB, Twitter, Google and YouTube are the first steps toward having true freedom.
Christian, American, support veterans, Brexit, & persecuted Christians. UN & EU undermine sovereignty & freedom. Anti-Islam. The US Constitution has no expiration date. For FREE SPEECH and in opposition to political correctness (which is a lie!) Website for news on persecuted Christians & opportunities to help, donate, volunteer, communicate:
I grew up with a President named Ronald Reagan that Americans loved and the world feared… He made America Strong again, and that strength caused the Soviet Union to collapse. After decades of the cold war and proxy wars throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Central and South America, Russia is once again growing under the perceived weakness of the United States and the actual weakness of Europe. WE must always remain vigilant to threat posed to freedom by Communist States and their proxies. #USA #Reagan #Patriot #Veteran #NRA #Prepper #Survivalist #Tracker #Hunter #PrepperJack #military #2A #Merica
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Insight from the past, inspiration for the future. As the leadership debated the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, the Anti-Federalist opponents centered their opposition around the following major points: 1. The greatest threat to the future of the United States lay in the government's potential to become corrupt and seize more and more power until its tyrannical rule completely dominated the people. Much of this concerns hinged on the lack of protection for individual liberties in the Constitution. The Bill of Rights were an attempt to eliminate this seizure of power. 2. The new Constitution created a presidency too powerful. 3. The new Supreme Court would be source of massive abuse because they were beyond the control "both of the people and the legislature". Additionally, the judiciary would use the constitution's vagueness to make law 4. The national government become too isolated from the people and unresponsive to the needs of localities.
"Where We Go One, We Go All." #WWG1WGA ☠️☠️🇺🇲☠️☠️
I am no longer interested in awakening the masses. The masses made it clear that they are not interested. I am here to connect like minds and awaken those who WANT to learn.
Apr 2018
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