
World Affairs Watcher & Life Long Learner
location_onFriesland, Netherlands
Independent journalist
The Deep Thinker represents the complex abyss of Jess' mind. He tackles the biggest concepts from the meaning of life, to mental illness, to shared consciousness, to ethics and existentialism, all with a careful and balanced analytic approach. You can find his blog here: https://www.thedeepthinker.com/ Jess welcomes any comments or questions you may have. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
Protecting Internet Freedom
On this channel I'm dragon@authorpendragon, mindsblogging the news since 2016. On @GailMcGowanMellor, under my own name, I'm writing an unauthorized history of Minds as it unfolds. An investigative reporter with a Pulitzer'nomination (rare for an independent), a medical writer (who founded a cooperative medical writing company with clients on three continents), and teacher (I taught in high school and college and was an early coordinator in the un-schooling movement), I've been a political activist since the early 1960s, because "inactive citizen" is an oxymoron. On a computer since 1977, I've been on the web since it was born in 1989. With courageous, adventurous children out changing the world, having just helped raise a grandson, with my husband aka best friend, I founded a small community in an improbable oasis that we're working to save in the midst of a metro area. There, the guy I love creates anything that I can imagine, and I grow things and write... Channel Policy: Doxxers and spammers -- including thread hijackers endlessly bleating about unrelated pet projects or hatreds -- are at minimum boring. Bug out. All others: thank you so much for being here. Documented disagreement is terrific. So are discoveries. So is laughter....
The Sleestakians Variety Show multistreams on YouTube, Twitch & Facebook. It features live drawing, videos, occasional live music, video games, comedy & more! https://youtube.com/channel/UC6qIeJkpa2mEj-w6RwZ_ywg https://twitch.tv/LorenzoSleestak https://www.facebook.com/LorenzoSleestak
Canadian hip hop artist waking minds with lyricism through Web3 and beyond. 🎶 #hiphop #rap #music
i'm John. ♥ The cat is Loops ♥ (look at her pretty pink nose) Hidey is a cat too. She's shy. 💚 i post links to videos which interest me. They don't necessarily reflect my views. 🇬🇧 👁‍ 👁‍ ⭐♡★😜🤪😝☆♡⭐ 🦌 ☽☮☾🌛🌝🌜 🧙‍♂️ 🍄 ☣️ 👍 ✨ ✌️💥 👌🏻🤘🕯️🔮🎱👏 🎧 🎹 🎨 🛸🚀☠️🏅🎖️🎪🍿🎯👑💤 🐛🦋🌧🌩🌦🌞☀️🙈 🙉 🙊 ॐ💕❤️💖💗💞🌸🤡😺 😸 🐱 🐈 🥰🙂😃🤣😂😎😉😘🤗🤭😝😲🥳😇😊🤨 🙂 😺 🙏 ✝ ⚖️ 🌍 🕊 ☮️ ✝️ ☯️ ♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️ 💡 ♾ If you don't like what i post don't look at what i post, but don't tell me WHAT to post. Thanks. #MindsMagick
Bill Ottman has given us one of the greatest gifts ever. Like a junkie I keep checking those dying media places. Help me get my fix. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm stupid. Down vote me if you want, up vote me if you want, remind me when you think I'm brilliant. Anything that keeps me involved, when I'm not writing, is appreciated. I write stories for grown ups, or mostly grown ups, or just the mentally disturbed. I talk about politics and social issue; loudly, angrily, and logically. I don't often concern myself with how my views will be taken. On the other side of that, I listen to everyone so long as they are engaging in a conversation, no matter how heated, and not simply shouting down everyone who disagrees with them, convinced they are right. Only morons refuse to listen because they think they have nothing to learn. I accept that I don't know everything and wish more people would do the same. When I'm making money for someone else I manage people with a focus on team morale and customer satisfaction. I love small companies where people can speak openly and ideals guide policy. So I despise most corporations and avoid giving them my money whenever possible. Combining all of that, I hate the idea that a writer, or any artist should not talk about their politics or faith. Someone should have mentioned that to Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley, Poe, Shakespeare, etc. I learned at the knees of the great ones how to tell tales that warn society that they are on a path to darkness and should go no further. yet, like those before me, I don't expect anyone to listen. Not always safe for work. I swear a lot and have a very dark sense of humor. Free speech advocate. Did I cover that with author? I used to say not politically correct until jerks who thrive on hate decided to steal that term and make it mean, I'm a some sort of -ist asshole and so is anyone else who says this. I hate censorship in all forms. I rarely play well with others. Unless you're an artist, I love other artists of all kinds. I can disagree with a person on a personal level and still encourage their creative side. We have enough people asking us what we really want to be when we grow up, no need do it to each other. Though, I get tired of people recycling advice from Twain, King, and Gaiman as if it was both dogma and their own. My advice for artists is, ignore all advice given to you, or take it with a grain of salt. People are telling you how they did or do it, you have to do it your way and stay true to the muse. The world is changing. Just because I disagree with someone you hate does not mean I agree with you. I tend to hold opinions that upset all sides of the conversation. I am a Constitutional Conservative, look it up. I also have this strange dedication to saving the planet for other peoples' children. Which tends to mean I support progressives, even when I don't agree with them, and think both American political parties are the same party and full of idiots. I have been known to bite, not always in a good way. Quick witted, quicker to offer advice, slow to follow yours, even slower to follow my own. Cool people buy my books! http://hyperurl.co/hcq5cq Cheap bastards read free shit. - Rarely updated since I discovered Minds! http://patrickelliottwrites.blogspot.com/
Friesland, Netherlands
Jun 2015
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