
I'm NOT just °CrAzy°! I'm creatively insane!!!
Fuck all of you! I'm on Minds now, so.... I have boobs and have been told I'm funny. One of those is a lie.... or both. Wot? I'M NOT FUNNY UNDER PRESSURE!
White cis-gendered misogynist spreading hate on YouTube. SORRY MOM!
I make political, cultural, and gaming videos. I shit post, rant, and argue on twitter follow me there for video uploads and tons of fun! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl9s0VpZwQuvTCyZj_VtCwg?&ab_channel=Sinatra_Says
Audio/Video Producer. Musician. I make things and have fun doing it. Sarcastic and make terrible jokes. https://www.youtube.com/user/EgalMatreaux
hey guys! i'm Drtyhippiepanda and welcome to my page. i talk about anti-SJW and anti-feminist topics as well as some political topics. i also run a YouTube channel. :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO8P8L8PufxbpeHE-8UIJ2A
Video commentary... politics, left-hating centrist, very much opposed to feminism, gay, sounds like a 14 year old drag queen (but is in my mid-30s).
We at MWM Media are combating the main stream media the only way we know how, with facts and starting conversations about those facts. We have a morning show on Twitch and not YouTube, because YouTube has made it clear it does not like our brand of news. So, if you want the latest on current news events from the United States and around the world, you have come to the right place! MWM News Group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/681895228264685572/activity My Website: https://mwm-media.wixsite.com/mwmmedia Support me on PayPal: http://www.paypal.me/lilbit
I make videos on YouTube. I'm an extremely passionate fan of free speech, so if you want me to talk your ear off, just mention free speech and I'll emerge from the shadows, citing legal cases and whatnot.
I'm a pro-liberty individualist, husband, father, free speech advocate, social commentator/YouTuber, & musician. Be excellent to each other!
Dec 2016
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