
arm chair monster diaboliholic ____________________________________ #ATV #Nature pics that I post are taken by @Reesemann and myself while out riding. As he now has a Minds channel, I will be tagging him when appropriate.
Mr Steal Ya Meme
Always happy to talk about the 3 big socially unacceptable subjects: Politics, Religion, & Money. Also History, Parenting, Future trends, Dr. Who, & more! I like a lively debate and generally expect to both learn something and teach something! But there is no space given for name-calling, hate speech, or personal attack. Are you in? We offer inspiring and educational video stories that help humanity evolve and create social, environmental, behavioral, and psychological change. Our stories highlight the interconnection and interdependence between all life.
Cheers, I'm a tech enthusiast, failed artist, a starting musician, general skeptic, connoisseur of many trades, an occasional hacker, etc. 🤔 I do/can accept PayPal donations for my "work", if you wish to donate some amount. Private message me & we'll sort out the details. Thanks ! 😊 BitCoin Address: 3C19HgNP4ADvySv4Q9hred8JuTS8tyDddK Etherum (ERC-20 Token) OnChain Receiver Address: 0x826d6c24761ef8cac76e909f8a5fa3ee27cafc6d All of my posts organized (archived) under my very own created categories: (currently a work in progress)
Amplifier of #empathy . Questioner of everything. Promoter of mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration. I'm not going to beg for subscribers or reminds for tokens. I don't care about tokens. I want #conversation.
I think I wanna try animating…
Be real, be honest or do not be at all
Sep 2017
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