Just your average interplanetary despot. Literally Space Hitler. Try this free RPG Maker XP game I made when I was a kid, I think you'll like it. Frens only tho.
location_onCardassia Prime
I like to create.
Working stiff making cartoons on the side a poet and a M.G.T.O.W all of my videos are on Vidme @JeffStrike if you want to see them all in one place. Pinterest link also I use a fake name but that is par for the course.
The greatest wisdom is to get to know oneself - Galileo.
All is all. Viva all! *Praise Kek* Liberkek, I care about #FreeSpeech and #Liberty I believe this #Philosophy affords us so much, both in terms of the good and the #Virtue both in and of it, and what it gives us 'it;s end point' or 'Max liber' I believe it to be our most powerful weapon against tyranny and opression. It's protects us but we must also protect it. I will do everything in my power to fight for it as many seem happy to give it up in exchange for a false virtue. I like #breakbeats and #dnb and loads of other stuff. I like other shit and dislike alot more but you havent read this far anyway so herp a derpyy dick knob. #FreeKekistan #Kekistan #Shadilay
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
  Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis The west is the best.
Unapologetic Cultural Libertarian Sh1tl0rd Ceterum censeo Unionem Europaeam esse delendam ___ Veteran of #GamerGate and #ProjectChanology, former ZS loyalist and youtube shitlord. Gamer and Egalitarian. #BlockTheBot High Command. "I have come here to chew bubblegum and shitpost... and I'm all out of bubble gum." Anti-SJW "Community" group: MemeFarmers group: My OCD kicked in recently and I tagged all my relevant posts with various hashtags to make them searchable with one click... #FreeKekistan #PunchItChewie : Sci Fi, Geek and Nerd Culture. Mostly memes, not gonna lie. #justAntiSJWthings : It's how we roll. #writteninbloodcaffeineandnicotine : Things I've written here on Minds that I thought were worth filing in one place. #TheFifthEstateNews: News #likeaboss : Putin Shilling #godemperor : Trump Shilling #malfunctioninghillary : Hating Hillary #SkyrimIRL #DragonageIRL : #Syria : News and Current Affairs #BodyCount : "And you shall know them by the trail of dead." #1984wasnotsupposedtobeaninstructionmanual : The prophecies of the Prophet George Orwell (PBUH) #TakeDownTheMedia : taken from an Andrew Breitbart quote, the MSM is anathema #FakeNews ^related #ThugLife : #freespeechmatters : #youtubeheroes : #JustMassEffectThings : #Messiah : Dune #Prophet : Kurt Cobain #MakeWarhammerGreatAgain:
Cardassia Prime
Feb 2017
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