Daily satire poking fun at the far-left and SJW culture.
It's like The Onion, but for mocking liberal extremists and outrage culture.
Articles posted almost-daily here and at
Welcome to #LandMinds!
Viral reach spreading outside of #Minds!
Plant your Land Minds to spread the social revolution!
This is a decentralized, cryptic, slap-tagging game with prizes and many ways to participate.
Get working on creating your own stickers, flyers, or looking for methods to participate and start winning points!
Step 1: Choose LandMinds
Step 2: Print & Stick!
(We have paste tutorials) (;
Step 3: Make sure to take a picture of your work before you leave the scene.
Tag @Land_Minds / #LandMinds in the description of your post!
Step 4: Profit in sweet sweet Minds points!
We're starting with a pregame,
purely to load up cities with taggers
before we begin the official game.
THANK YOU to #LandMinders
already kicking some serious butt
to get the game off the ground, (well, maybe on the ground
depending how you look at it).
For alternative methods of participation:
And take a few minutes
to read some of our suggestions:
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