
A good time is nothing if you only pretend to be happy. So take it one grain at a time and don't choke on the different strains.
Hope for Peace but Prepare for War For it is better to be a Warrior in times of Peace than a Gardener in times of War ------------------------------------------------------------ Avatar and Channel Banner made by @anaarkei ------------------------------------------------------------ Creator of the #MathsInMinutes blogseries that is posted Monday, Wednesday and Friday on this platform Donations to boost this blog series are appreciated and come with a shoutout for the donor ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently working on creating a recording of #Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov This project will be updated daily (it will be small readings though, between 5 and 10 minutes on average) ------------------------------------------------------------ You can also expect entries to my creative writing blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday https://mymindsdarkroom.blogspot.de/ ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you like petite girls aka Lolis? I do. #FlatIsJustice because small girls deserve love, too and small breasts are a rare drop! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #Traps are also welcome here, this is turning into a den of #degeneracy ------------------------------------------------------------ Midna Inverse is my #Waifu And I will fight for her! Hack-Doll-3 is my own, personal #Trap and I will fight for him! ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Playing (barely playing): League of Legends (PC) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (WiiU) Splatoon ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Reading: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Think and Grow Rich 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson The Primarchs (Horus Heresy saga) Books about Buddhism & Zen ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Watching: ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently learning: Japanese 10 Finger Typing NLP CBT Lightworks ------------------------------------------------------------ My interests include but are not limited to: Music Literature Creative Writing Paintings/Drawings Voice acting Cinema Anime / Manga Vidya Lifelong learning Psychology NLP CBT Weight training Health Nutrition Weight Loss methods and BPM Life coaching Weight loss coaching Data Analytics Drones RC Planes FPV Recordings Shitposting http://sms-receive.net 34604263883
RaeReinhartz Chaos Astrologer Herbalist Astrologist Occultist
Devout Pagan, husband, father of three and white advocate.
"Überprüft und kontrolliert stets die,die Euch regieren und lest immer zwischen den Zeilen!" (Lehrer Johannes Schmidt) Threema: JAZ9FPNK    https://gab.ai/LFreidenker
~Kayelgee~ Writer, muser, textile artist and digital art novice. Original content and artwork. Unabashedly an ambassador for Gratitude. The art of giving thanks is a powerful salve to drama and trauma. It neither negates the crap, nor avoids the tuff stuff. Rather, it is a potent tool that helps us to be more mindful, more present, more awake to the world at large. It also offers us the space to honestly and authentically take in the light, the dark and everything in between. I've walked through the shadowlands and know the dark face of loss, abandonment and depression. I have travelled deep into the rabbit hole, yet I stand firmly on the side of the light. My kid brother inadvertently taught me the greatest lesson more than 30 years ago, when he died by suicide, and that is to chose LIFE, and all the sum of its parts. There is an existential wildfire raging in the heart and minds of people across the planet. My quest is to raise the spirits of people who need the nourishment and encouragement to keep fighting the good fight. Blessings, Kristin
0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 The REAL Rape Culture When we have one entire group of people who rape men, women and children... and the media acts a rape apologists for them, re-framing the RAPES as "sexual encounters" or "sexual relationships" or just plain "sex" when they report on it, IF they actually do report on it... and the judges and prosecutors invent reasons to let them get away with it with practically nothing more than a slap on the wrist, IF they are even arrested at all... we do indeed have a very real Rape Culture. The thing is, that entire group who is doing so much Raping of men, women and children with practically no meaningful consequences, is not the males. It is the Females. Females are currently enjoying a very rich and vibrant Rape Culture in the Western nations, and no one is safe from them as long as they continue to be practically never held accountable for their crimes. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Sexual offending by women is surprisingly common, claims US study "A team of US researchers led by Lara Stemple at the UCLA School of Law has analysed data from several large federal crime victimisation surveys and they say their findings show that sexual offences by women against male and female victims are surprisingly common. Writing in Aggression and Violent Behaviour the researchers stress that they are in no way intending to minimise the human cost of sexual violence perpetrated by men. But they say their results are “sufficiently robust so as to compel a rethinking of long-held stereotypes about sexual victimisation and gender”. Stemple’s team begin by pointing to data from thousands of people collected for the Center For Disease Control’s “National Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Survey”. In 2011, for example, this survey showed that equal numbers of men and women reported being forced into non-consensual sex (either raped themselves or forced to penetrate someone else). Extrapolated to the US as a whole, this would represent 1.9 million victims among each sex during the preceding 12 months.”(Excerpt) https://digest.bps.org.uk/2017/07/11/sexual-offending-by-women-is-surprisingly-common-claims-us-study/ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Sexual Victimization Perpetrated by Women: Federal Data Reveal Surprising Prevalence This article examines female sexual perpetration in the U.S. To do so, we analyzed data from four large-scale federal agency surveys conducted independently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2008 through 2013. We found these data to contradict the common belief that female sexual perpetration is rare. We therefore reviewed the broader literature to identify patterns and provide context,including among high-risk populations such as college students and inmates. We recommend that professionals responding to this problem avoid gender stereotypes that downplay the frequency and impact of female sexual perpetration so as to comprehensively address sexual victimization in all forms." (Excerpt) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308844135_Sexual_Victimization_Perpetrated_by_Women_Federal_Data_Reveal_Surprising_Prevalence 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Studies Show Lesbians Much More Likely to Beat, Sexually Abuse Their Wives Than Heterosexual Men "Further statistics have also shed light on the understudied epidemic of sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) among women in same-sex partnerships. One study produced by the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault found that 33% of women have been sexually assaulted by another woman. This statistic prompted leftist publications Slate and Marie Claire to pen articles about the reality of lesbian rape and sexual abuse. Two more studies, one published in the Journal of Lesbian Studies (2008) and another in Violence and Victims (1997), suggest that rates of lesbian sexual abuse in domestic partnerships could be upwards of 55% and 42%, respectively. This translates to about 1 in 2 women who have been victims of sex abuse in a lesbian relationship." (Excerpt) https://squawker.org/culture-wars/studies-show-lesbians-much-more-likely-to-beat-sexually-abuse-their-wives-than-heterosexual-men/ 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 UCLA Shock Study: Women Have Raped 3.6 Million American Men "A 2016 study released by UCLA found that women have collectively committed millions of sexual offenses against American men including rape, assault, coercion, and harassment. The pandemic of sexual violence committed by women caused the lead author of the study, Lara Stemple, to suggest that Americans rethink “long-held stereotypes about sexual victimization and gender.” Stemple previously produced a 2014 study stating that sexual victimization among men is “in many circumstances similar to the prevalence found among women.” Stemple’s work has focused on male victims of sex crimes and has criticized femal
Jan 2018
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