Watch as I try to not completely trip over my own feet in whatever game I'm currently playing. If you do see me in a game, hope you're on the other team (you're likely safer).
This channel is about gaming. Specfically Let's plays, having fun with them, Trying a diffrent varaity of games, attempting and more then likly having Let's plays fail and turn into Let's Fails when i do the hardest difficulties to entertain viewers. Lastly and most importantly To engage and have fun with you the viewers, so feel free to like, subscribe, leave messages and comments and i will try to get back as soon as possible. Thank you and welcome to my page.
MindsGaming_LateNight is a part of the @MindsGaming Community.
This channel is used for more adult posts to view adult group listings go to @MindsPorn or the community website's adult area.
Adult content is not a priority in or community is this page may be left unmaintained from time to time, feel free to contact the main community channel to change the most recent image.
I dont blame god for giving humans the free will to literally fuck evrything up that they can, i blame god for not giving animals the ability to speak and use guns.