Master Cylinder

It saddens me to realize that the human race has no chance of becoming civilized in my life time.
🌱 #plantbased Recipe Creator in 🇺🇸 & 🇩🇪 & Food Photographer
Interested in everything! Freedom for all!!!
This feed is dedicated to understanding how the brain functions in regards to fear, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.
I'm consciousness temporally having human experience. Passionate about everything that will set us free...
Act Out! covers the news corporate media won't touch, stories from the front lines of our movements to fight and build and just a dash of spoken word, visual art and snark. Blend and enjoy.
Vu Quang Tin Mong muốn thế giới tốt đẹp hơn không còn chiến tranh và thù hận. lòng nhân ái và tình yêu ở khắp mọi nơi. hãy chung tay làm cho thế giới tốt đẹp nhất có thể.
Hello, my friends, welcome to my channel! On my page you will find topics related to craftsmanship, music, games, politics, and anything medieval. Free speech and civility are important to me. We should speak truth, and be equally willing to listen when others speak wise words. I am currently living in Daegu, South Korea and enjoying the beautiful country, temples, and castles. Feel free to chat and I will do my best to reply. If you can, subscribe so we can make this corner of the web a larger, better place. Thank you, all. Safe travels! I am currently living in South Korea. My @TAK_In_South_Korea page is basically defunct. You can follow my travels here :)
Jun 2017
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