
There is hope for humanity.
We are Pirates of Dark Water, here to unite minds for our cause, we are here to save the world and no one will know it was us. We have been in the shadows watching and this is bout to get nuts We're here to stop injustice, and release the world from its cuffs, We stand up they fall, that is all, they are weak and we're tall, United to stand on our feet at the call to defeat any foe. Check out my rap blog. You must be incognito to view. Use a browser that can handle tor to web sites.
I've created two minds extensions and the minds button generator
Astrologer and free thinker. No political bias, just opening my eyes as time goes by.
Started in late 2016, my channel was created to promote critical thinking and to change how people think about things by challenging their beliefs and dispelling lies with facts and philosophy to expand their minds. If you want to debate something, simple want me to look at something or have a question for me, feel free to send me a message or tag me in a post. I am also an aspiring author so expect posts for whatever I am currently working on and a gamer which I have a channel for and which is linked below.
I started this channel after I had to unsub so many "truthers" that fell for the oldest trick in the book; divide and conquer/illusion of choice 2016 election. On top of that the powers that be started with the fake news psyops. If it isn't operation mockingbird CIA approved then it must be fake? I will inform of the proven history of the lies we are brain washed with from birth. I do not want you to believe; I want you to question and research for yourself. The truth WILL set you free. It's about time.
Some links I found helpful; SUPPORT AND BUG REPORTS FEATURE REQUESTS - When you have an idea to improve Minds MINDS FAQ This is MY channel. You have YOUR channel. What I say goes here. If you throw trash here, I'll clean up, and then make sure you never dump -here- again. BIO: 50+ female, Introvert personality type, married - straight. Anti-misandrist. Reading, information, research, current events, sci-fi, some horror, online MMOs (LOTRO). My feline roommates, and of course family. Independent politically, NOT the party, but voting my own conscience. Religiously independent, believe something, or someone, may have created the universe, but subscribe to no one person's belief path and don't expect anyone to follow mine. ON CULT BEHAVIOR ================== Choosing to assist with the aims of one group or another is normal. When people NEED a group they tend to become cultists. They treat the group like a religion. Left, right, democrat, republican, liberal, center or conservative - whatever - if you cannot own up to what is wrong with your group, then you are treating it, and believing in it, as though it is a cult. It just shows a lack of conviction in yourself when you have a NEED to belong so badly you change your core being. ================== As long as what folks do doesn't hurt, maim or kill another, or others, more power to them. I have an extreme dislike for anyone, or any ideology, who calls for division and expresses hatred for those who try to end human created "lines" that divide peoples whether religious and/or political systems used to control and gain power. I fight against their attempts to social engineer the free people of Earth. I am for parity of opportunity across ALL lines. parity 1. The state or condition of being equal, especially as regards status, political, social, and economics. If it becomes clear you are pounding a pulpit to splinters and not making an attempt to understand, or trolling me, I will give up attempting to have a meeting of minds and block you. Back in April 2018 after a fall and total hip replacement. Recovery and rehabilitation are coming along fine.
Jun 2015
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