
The world is going crazy. So why not rock out to some metal and laugh at ignorance? These are usually daily activities for me. I also enjoy playing games and tinkering with technology. So you will see a lot of these things in my feed. Grab a beer, sit back and have some fun. Cheers --Steam--
Some Dumbass. Likes Milk. Subscribe for Arguments. Sub for Sub. Classical Liberal.
Rude. Loud. Opinionated. Pissed off. Criticism survivor. Chronic collector. I make jokes about myself so you don't have to. Also a shitty youtuber. PATREON: STREAMLABS:
Hello my name is Justin! I am married and I have a cat named august:) I like to read, journal, meditate and dream. My goal is to master dreaming, in such a way that I can exist in them and be aware. I am going to be posting my dreams when I feel they warrant a post, I also will post some pictures and memes I make! Have a lovely day ;)
I'm Fidem Turbāre, the non-existent atheist goddess. I am an advocate for freedom and critical thinking with an emphasis on impartiality. If you wish to honour me, don't do it with worship or by believing in me (you can send a postcard to me), rather I might suggest that you proclaim "I do not believe in Fidem Turbāre, the non-existent atheist goddess." You can read more about me at my web site:
so...DO you speak it...
Over 60, do not suffer fools well, Heinleinien Moderate. I mention my age because it helps me spot the retards faster when they express their hate of the old. If ya think I'm being excessively rude to you, I am. If you think I'm being unjustly rude you've not been following the thread. You must be on the ''autistic,retard,troll or just not smart enough for this discussion'' list.
Currently Writing a TV show and Trying to undermine Physics. I only want to regret the things i say and do. I never want to regret all the things i never said or did. io psychologist going for counseling next. “Failure doesn't mean anything, it just means changing paths.” ― Alejandro Jodorowsky A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier. H. L. Mencken Read more at: You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say. F. Scott Fitzgerald Read more at: Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company? It's beyond me. Zora Neale Hurston Read more at: You know, I have found out in the course of a long public life that the things I did not say never hurt me. Calvin Coolidge Read more at: “What you learn about America is people are a lot less interested in race than they are in character.” – Kevin Jackson, author, political commentator, and talk radio host. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler starting to find evidence that the skeptic community was used by the deep state or one hell of a coincidence. lol
Practitioner of Psychedelic Earth Majic, Prankster, Expert in the Art of Tantric Laughter, Cosmic Chess Champion, Disolver of Social Constraints, PHDD in the Ridiculous, Traveling Carnival of Empathy, Living in the Momentologist, Psychedelic Surfer, Interdimensional Biometric Organic Quantum Alien Language Processor Elf, Relinquisher of Control, Conduit of Light Energy, Chemical Combination Ingestion Enthusiast, Poster Nutbag, Radiator of Contagious Goodwil, Pyromaniacal Borosilicate Juggler, Musical Color Analyst, In an Endless Symbiotic Relationship With a Plant Based Ancient Alien Cultivater of Consciousness Evolution Inventing it's Future Incarnation Backwards in Time
Comic Sans is never the answer.
Feb 2017
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